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We entered the plane and I found that no one was in the plane except the two of us and the pilots and air hostresses

"Jimin...where are the others?"
I asked him

"Huh..? It's my private no one will be here...ah..I forgot to tell you..that I have my own jet.."

"Huh? Y-yeah..OK..."

"Please Follow me Sir and Mam!"
One of the air hostress told and lead the way we followed them upstairs in  the plane..and found a Bed...a TV..and..omg! It looks like a room!!

"Enjoy the journey Sir and Mam! If you need anything you can just ring the bell..and we'll up here..thank you.."
She said and went away

I was watching with my mouth open

"Waah...Is it really a plane..!?"

Omg did I say too loud

"To your concern, yes it really is.."
Jimin said and slightly giggled at me

I dare not to see his face I just sat on the sofa and suddenly i felt a slight pain on my head..and I saw Jimin laying on the bed..scrolling down his phone...I felt a sharp object was hitting my head...yes it was the pain...
And I called for jimin

"J-Jimin.. m-my..h-head--"

Then next it was all BLACK


J I M I N ' S   P O V


I heard Mi Na calling me and the next thing I heard was..


I turned around to see Mi Na lying on the floor!
I rushed to her and shooked her

"Mi Na!! Wake up!! What happened!??"
I yelled....A tear left my eye..

I was scared...that

I will lose her too...

No i can't lose her!!

Then I rang the bell and two of the air hostress came to me

"What happened!? Sir?"
One of them asked me

"Call the doctor!!NOW!"
I yelled and they suddenly called the doctor and I picked her up bridal style and placed her on the bed..

The doctor came after a few minutes and checked her..

"I think She didn't sleep well She was exhausted...She will be fine when she slept for a few hours.."

"Ah..thank you doctor."

"Take care of her..I'll give her painkillers for her headache.."

"Ok doctor"

Then she went..

What did she mean by Mi Na didn't sleep well yesterday..?
I was thinking so hard then I felt Mi Na was waking up

"Mi Na! Are you alright?"

I asked her

She gave me a sweat smile..
That I fell for her even more..

"I'm ok..Jimin.."

"You didn't sleep yesterday!?"
I asked her

I saw her tensed up..


Why she was stuttering i don't know..

"Why..Mi didn't sleep well right?"

E N D  O F  P O V
M I  N A'S  P O V

"Why..Mi Na..You didn't sleep well right?

How can I say to him?



"I was packing your things..and I was searching...for your shirts...I couldn't find it..and you was sleeping so I didn't want to wake you I decided to search for it...and..yeah..I couldn't sleep well.."

I said while lowering my head

I felt Jimin's hand on my cheeks and slightly lifting it..

I blushed.. •_•

"Look at me.."
Jimin said and i did what he said

"You should have woken me up...why you did that?"


Then I felt something soft on my forehead

His plump lips..

"Pabo...just sleep already.."
He said while giggling

And I smiled back and I went to


"Mi Na~~~ wake up!..we are here!"

I heared someone shouting and I got up and saw Jimin's face so close just inches away and I was suddenly scared to death and stumbled backwards..

"Ah..scared me to death!"
I said while smiling

"My wife got scared? Huh? Now.. let's go!"

He let out his hand for me to take and I took his hand he smiled and i smiled back and I got up from the bed and we headed towards the exit door..

"Thank you! Enjoy your trip! SIR AND MAM!"

The air hostresses and pilots shouted and bowed

I was Jungshooked..

We bowed back and went through the exit door

I shouted while Air was hitting on my surface

It felt so nice!!

"Mi Na...ready for..Our trip?"
He said while smirking

"I don't think so!"

So...this Part? How is it? And thankyou for 700+ reads! I'm so happy!!ILY SEAGULLS!!❤❤


A Taehyung fanfic in love with my BROTHER

A Jungkook fanfic My Annoying Friend

With lots of love

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