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J I M I N ' S  P O V

"Hyung! Let's go get her!" Taehyung yelled as I was running downstairs

"Call the men!" I ordered and all of them came

We quickly got on the car and tae was sitting next to me showing me the destination

"She's in Seokjin's house hyung..." tae said and I nodded

Mi Na...I'm get you...

"My babygirl is awake..? Huh?" A voice was heard as I was lying on the bed

Well it's his...

"My babygirl is still tired from yesterday Huh?" He asked coming closer while smirking

"Don't again...please...i-im tired..." I said as I tried to control my tears

"Ok...ok...I can't see you cry!! GO AND fresh up!" He said as he threw the clothes to me and went out

Jimin...I miss you so muchhhh

I went inside the bathroom and showered and dressed up

I came out and I just sat on the bed frozen...

"Is my babygirl ready for the game?" He said while closing the door

"Em..n-no...I j-just showered now..."

"Well let's shower together then!" He said as he came closer

"P-please....." I said as a tear left my cheek

"Oppa won't be hard on you..." he said as he started to kiss me


But the kiss was no longer... the door opened revealing...


He quickly came to us and threw a punch on jin's face

"Jimin!!!" I yelled as I hugged him tighter as ever

"Mi Na!!"  He yelled and hugged me back

I just hugged him letting my tears out and I felt him stroking my back

"I'm  here... it's gonna be alright..." he said as we heard the yelling from tae oppa

"Hyung! Gun!!" He yelled as he threw the gun to jimin

"Mi Na stay with tae! You'll get are already weak...and I don't wanna see my wife weak..." he said as kissed me on the forehead

"I love you Mi Na..."

"I love you too Jimin..."

I ran to tae and he hugged me

"Stay with me Ok?"


"Seokjin!! You can't ran away from me now!" Jimin  yelled as he held up the gun

"Woww...Jimin...easy...Ok? You missed your wife don't ya?? Well I played with was amazing...!! And her bo-" Before he could say anything jimin hit him with his gun making him fall down

"Don't you dare say bad about my wife!!" He said and show the gun to jin

"Jimin...ohhh You are happy that you got your wife Huh!? Not really!" He said and showed his index finger and Jimin looked at the way

His men were holding her where's tae he thought!

"Aww soo your wife's life is on my hands!" He said as he laughed

"Don't you dare KIM SEOKJIN!" He yelled

Jimin threw a punch on jin's face

"Oh shit!! Why are you ruining my handsome face!!??" He yelled and ran towards MiNa

Jimin was confused

"Jimin! She's mine I won't give her!" He said and he ran

"No fuckin way Seokjin!!" JIMIN yelled and ran after them

"I'm gonna kill her if she hasn't be mine....and you won't get her I'll just kill her..." Jim smirked as he got the chair next to him and was about to hit me...



Jimin was on top of me getting the hit instead of me....

"Jimin!!!!!" I screamed and a shot was heard and I see it hit jin's chest and the person who shooted him is


"Hyung!!!!" He ran to us

"Kookie! J-Jimin..." I cried

"I'll search for tae..."

"Jimin...w-wake up!" I yelled as I cried

His hand held my cheeks, "M-Mi Na...always remember...t-that I love you..." his tears are flowing down

"Jimin...don't say that!! You'll be with me!! And I love you too!!! Just please don't close your eyes..."

"No jimin...don't please!! Don't!!!!"

He' way...


Soon I saw tae and jungkook approaching us

"Tae oppa! Let's bring him to the hospital!!" I shouted

"Yes come on!"

Soon we reached the hospital and The doctors came and took jimin to the operation theatre

"Jimin...Will be alright right?" I kept on asking again and again and jungkook just hugged me and allowed me to let all the tears out...


"Doctor!!! How is he!? Is he alright!?? Huhh!?? Please say something!!" I yelled

"Mrs. Park calm down...he is alright-" Before he could tell anything I barged into the room

There i saw jimin.... are alive....

"Jimin!!!!" I shouted as I went to him and hugged him tighter and cried

"Jimin! I'm glad that you are alive! I missed you so much!!!"

Tae oppa and kook entered the room

They looked kinda sad? Why?

"Why are you both looking sad? See Jimin is fine!" I said as I hugged him again he just looked at me with shock after sometime he pushed me away

"Why....Jimin...does it hurt? Why aren't you speaking? Huh? Are you still mad at me..? Forgive me please and talk to me-"

"Taehyung!" Jimin yelled

"Yes, hyung?" He asked and suddenly kookie cake near me

"Jimin why aren't you speak-"

"Who are you..?"





Hehe yes it is...😉

TRAPPED BOOK 2 is on the way...!!!😉 *body rolls*

Thank you again SEAGULLS for supporting me!! And in the meanwhile read my other fanfics and support that too!!! I'd be so happy!💜💜💜love you guys...!!!!💜💜💜

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