Save the World again

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"Yessir." She spoke, her head tilted towards the ground.

"I'll let you go this time. You will be stationed here for the time being while we make a new plan to kill the doctor. Spying isn't exactly your forte, huh Vanessa?"

The redhead shook her head. "No, sir." She was furious, but kept it on the inside. She wanted to scream, run, punch. But she stood still, her face was hard and emotionless like a rock. "Dismissed." Akande waved his good hand and turned back to the window, gazing at the hazy sky.

Vanessa saw herself out.
"Don't be so down, madam. This time not going on missions will do good with your health."

Vanessa was hunched over her bed, she sighed and closed her eyes. "I could care less about my health, Broehain. I'm much more worried about making a difference. A life or two, especially using up mine, is well worth it." She croaked. The lights in Broehains eyes dimmed, as if he was sad.

"What are you fighting for, Exactly?" Broehain asked, catching Vanessa's interest. "Certainly not to destroy omnics." The omnic gestured to himself. "Not to engage war. What do you want out of this?"

Broehain was thrown across the room.

"Enough!" She yelled, stomping her foot. Broehain was on the floor, groaning. "You have no right to speak me that way!" Vanessa was shaking.

Broehain sighed. "Thats not what you used to say."

All color from Vanessa's face drained in an Instant. She stepped back, her arms rose in front of her chest. "How do y-"

"I stole Sombras hacking device. My master file, you hid it." The omnic growled, standing up. "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"You didn't delete it, Vanessa."

"There is no master file, Broehain!" Vanessa exclaimed, shaking violently, fear in her eyes.

"You loved me!" The omnic yelled.

Tears stung Vanessa's eyes, she stumbled back and fell on her bed, hot tears rolled down her cheeks. Broehain looked away, listening to Vanessa sob. "You didn't delete it." His voice cracked. "You wanted a chance for me to remember. You could've gotten rid of it all but instead.." he turned to her. "You made a new file."

Vanessa stared at the ground. "Tell anyone and I will end it once and for all."

"You could've..but you didn't." He echoed. "Shut it." Vanessa growled through more tears.

"And I love you." He whispered. Vanessa roared, gripping the robots head and slamming it into a wall, creating a dent in both the omnic and wall.

Vanessa dropped his head, growling as she gripped her hair, pulling. The warrior was quick to wipe her tears, and drop to her knees.

"I got rid of that past." She murmured. "So I could save the world." She whispered. "To save the world."

Not everyone does what you consider "good" to have a good result.

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