Chapter six

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The next morning, Jonathan had  immediately went to Adam Cleary's cell and took everything out on him.
Daria had to remain off-limits. The relationship couldn't have the conflict he was creating between them. It was his own sick nature to blame. He had left for work later in the morning after checking Daria was okay. Once Jonathan was certain that Daria had woken up and was able to comprehend his apology, he left the house. 

To his surprise and admiration, Daria validated him. She seemed to be so understanding. He didn't deserve it.

That capacity of hers is going to make her suffer so much more in the long-term.
"Maybe, but that's only if I can't control myself around her," Jonathan said out loud. Watching his withering test subject through the cell window.
Even you agreed with Freud's writing on the negativity which comes from repressing nature.

Doctor Crane sat at his desk in his office having just had a session with Harley Quinn. The woman sure did love to babble and she sure did have an obsessive infatuation with the Joker. Jonathan remembered merely a year before when Harley had been a highly esteemed doctor at Arkham. Jonathan had been her boss for a short while.
He hadn't been shocked by her sudden change in personality. He'd be fascinated by the Joker's talent for manipulation. Additionally, Harley was proof of the fact that every individual had a repressed self which they hid from society. Joker had coaxed that out of Harley within months. Jonathan still hid his well and he hoped it would stay that way. His role at Arkham Asylum had taken him a while to earn. 

Oh imagine, coaxing the repressed self out of Daria. What wonders does she hide in her psyche?
Jonathan wanted to scold the scratchy voice in his head but he, too, was very intrigued. Perhaps he could, through a series of disguised interviews, find out Daria's repressive self.
It all lies within Fear.  What stops us from getting to places, what stops us from achieving difficult goals? What makes us wary of our appearance and attitudes in public? Fear.

"I;m starting to sound like Edward," The Doctor sighed.

Daria was back at the cute café she'd been at with Jonathan for their third date. It was emptier than usual. She was relieved by it. She'd brought a book from behind Jonathan's couch, ordered a cappuccino like before and sat in the same chair near the back window. The same barista from last time had sweetly offered to bring the drink over to her once it had been made.

"Here's your cuppa," She placed it down on the table. "Your partner showing up today? I can make another cuppa for him?"

In all honesty, Daria wanted Jonathan across from her. She didn't want to be alone for the day.
She didn't want to be alone at all.

"Nope he's at work today." She shut the book. "My name's Daria, do you wanna have a coffee?"
Daria felt awkward and silly after saying it. The barista surprised her.
"Sure! I'm going to make myself a latte and come over, it's not like the café is buzzing today,"

Two minutes later, the tall slender woman slid into the other chair. Today she adorned a half up-half down hair do. Her hair was black and naturally crimped looking. Around her neck was a necklace with the Kenyan flag enamelled onto a small circle which Daria had noticed before when assuming her heritage. Apart from the necklace, she wore a large gold bracelet on her left wrist and small gold rings as earrings. These contrasted with her simple silver nostril piercing.

"You have a really mixed accent, are you from Gotham?" Daria asked the new 'friend'.
"My name is Almasi, My mom is Kenyan and my dad is from Ontario in Canada, I came down to Gotham about six years ago when I was still underage because of my mother's new job, I have a Canadian accent I guess. Some words have my mom's accent but she's been in Canada most of her life." Almasi had an oval face with high cheekbones. Her eyebrows were thick and carefully manicured. She didn't wear any makeup and seemed truly confident without it. Daria, meanwhile, felt lost without a little bit of unnatural colour to her eyelids. The woman was beautiful. 

"Nice, have you been working at the café long?"

"For as long as it's been open, it's only a few months old." The smell of Almasi's vanilla latte was soothing for Daria. She had half a mind to blurt out her anxieties to the stranger and tell her how grateful she was for the company. 

"So if the partner is at work, what do you normally do during the day?"

Daria found it interesting how Almasi said partner instead of boyfriend, it was almost as though she was being careful to not get her and Jonathan's relationship confused. 

"I've just graduated from GCU, Psychology," Daria revealed. "How about you?"
"I studied law for a bit but found it wasn't for me, then my pa wasn't doing well with money so I had to drop out," she turned to head to look out of the window, reminiscing her recent past. "If you are feeling sorry for me don't worry at all, this café job has been nice and I'll be going back to university in august, both my pa and myself are working really hard to raise enough money for it."
Daria didn't ask about her mom in case it was a sensitive topic. She could either have passed away, disconnected from the family, or just not been a working woman.
"If you're stuck on what to do right now I could try and see if the boss will let you have a job here?"
"That'd be so sweet..." Daria trailed off as she looked around the tiny cute cafe that had been decorated with houseplants and local art. She truthfully wanted to work at Arkham for a bit but she didn't want to be constantly pestering Jonathan. She'd emailed Warden Sharp her details a few days before graduation had taken place. "I've applied for a job already, I'm waiting to hear back but I'm touched by your offer."

A small exchange of small talk in a practically empty café resulted in two women noting down each other's phone numbers and planning another day to hang out. Daria was brimming with joy at the random luck. The walk back to Jonathan's house hardly took thirty minutes since she had a brisk energetic pace.

She knocked on the door and he opened it a few seconds later.
"Oh lovely you're smiling, I was so worried after yesterday-"
"shh," she silenced him with a kiss. "We can talk about it later okay?"

The socially conditioned psychologist in Jonathan was concerned with Daria's affection towards him after the incident. This melted away into matching her affection towards him by pulling her inside the house, shutting the door and returning the kiss. 

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