chapter 9

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Jonathan and Daria got the shuttle from Arkham and walked for five minutes to reach Jonathan's house. Neither spoke a word since the - majorly professionally- done, tour had taken place. Daria had briefly left Jonathan to go speak to Warden Sharp about her placement. The large emphatic man seemed pleased with the woman in front of him and offered her a week of training under a supervisor. She'd agreed on the spot.

Jonathan used his only house key to unlock the door, not acknowledging the small heap of mail that had been shoved half-assed through the slot in the door. Daria noticed one letter was decorated with question marks. Leading to a series of internal questions. The Riddler trademark? Maybe Jonathan is amicable with the Gotham Rogues.
Of course, Innocently, Daria was still oblivious to the Scarecrow's status in Gotham. It had dawned on Jonathan while at Arkham that she did not know much about the rogues despite her visits to the Narrows.

After putting his briefcase down on the floor by the doorframe of the kitchen, Jonathan poured himself a glass of water. Meanwhile Daria passed him to go to the living room and put her bag by the sofa. The book that she had been reading the day before had been moved from the sofa's arm and was nowhere in sight. Daria turned back to the kitchen.

"Have you seen my bo-"
Jonathan's lips clumsily pressed against hers before she finished. Once the kiss lasted longer than a few seconds Daria put her arms around his neck. Jonathan then slid his hands to her thighs and lifted her, surprisingly gracefully, onto the counter before returning to kiss her. Daria instinctively wrapped her legs around Jonathan to pull them both closer.
"What's on your mind Doctor Crane?" Daria managed to say for the brief moment the kiss was broken.

"How much you fascinate me Ms Daria Morrison," He responded, murmuring close to her ear. "You make life far less mundane,"

"I so guess me saying 'shall we go upstairs' would be too conventional and mundane?" Daria asked beginning to picture other places they could go. The Sofa? The basement would be a chaotic affair. Perhaps too chaotic...
Rather than vocally answering, Jonathan stepped back so that she could come down from the counter top and lead the way up the stairs to the bedroom. When she got up there, she turned around to see if he was following. He was inches away from her, already bringing his fingers to the bottom of her sweater to lift it over her head. Daria welcomingly raised her arms above her head so that it was easier for him to do so. She then wiggled out of her own jeans herself while Jonathan took off his suit trousers.

Daria sat herself on the bed so that they could be as they were downstairs when she was on the counter-top. Jonathan reconnected the kiss again.
"I don't regret you using me for your toxin research," Daria admitted during their moments of intimacy. After all, it was the whole ordeal that brought them together, albeit a screwed up means. Jonathan's hand lifted her chin to deepen their kiss. His hand lingered on her throat for a moment before caressing the rest of her body. Daria moaned and shivered at the touch.

After a few minutes laying together calmly, Jonathan looked down at Daria's warm brown hair which rested on his chest and moved away from her. He checked his watch to see the time. 8:34pm.
"Whoa you stole my pillow,"
"Tell me stuff about your past before Gotham University," He decided to bring up again. His voice still soft.
"If I can have my 'pillow' back," She smiled. "Or if we can have pancakes for dinner,"
She's definitely getting comfortable here Johnny. Coax all those past memories from her. Next time you two have your fun I WILL come out to play.

"Shall we?" Jonathan pulled her up from the bed, opened the nearest drawer to him from the small chest of drawers and threw a grey-blue t shirt at Daria's exposed beautiful body.

 I want to make her scream my name. I want her to beg for the Scarecrow. 
Jonathan blinked and shook his head. Daria looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
"Just an abrupt thought." he defended.

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