Chapter 39

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Jonathan finally spoke while Daria was throwing her jacket over the side of the chair in the kitchen. Her dark brown hair fell in heavy wet strands and her eyeliner had smudged more on one eye than the other from the rain. The darkness around the eye enhanced the green within her iris. Her face was slightly rosier than usual from the alcohol she'd drank. Jonathan felt his heart flutter for her.

"The project is finished and ready,"

Although not fully knowing what the project was, Daria's eyes lit up. "That's... great, do I get to know more about it yet?" She then moved towards him, stroking his arm. "I want to know," She kissed his cheek only for him to turn and intercept her with his lips and hold her against the counter gently.

"Of course, you are my partner in this all after all," It was a whisper against her cheek.
"Yes I am," she said proudly in return, making Jonathan chuckle.
"Lets get you a little bit more sober before I give you the downstairs tour,"

"You could give me the upstairs tour if that'll help," Daria ran a hand through his hair and began gently massaging his scalp, weaving her fingers within his hair. "You're probably a bit exhausted after all that hard work,"

"Daria, as much as I love this side of you, I feel very work-focused right now,"

Her hands moved to her hair which she swiftly twisted and held into a bun with the band from her wrist.

"Coffee?" She didn't particularly want coffee, but she wouldn't be seeing much of the night behind closed eyelids, Jonathan had an agenda in the basement and a vendetta with sleep.

"Yes, that would be appreciated," Jonathan's voice was already distant. He was walking down the stairs to the basement. Daria was soon to follow with two mugs after pouring enough steaming jitter juice.

Despite the majority of Jonathan's books having been moved up into the livingroom and bedroom, downstairs did not seem more spacious at all. It was now very occupied with designated floorspaces with many different forms of laboratory apparatus. The far corner of the room held rows of boxes against the wall. No doubt containing Jonathan's precious finished work. The air of the room held a sweet but sharp scent which felt physically impacting. Daria moved her mug closer to her face to use the coffee as a buffer. Jonathan had taken his mug from her and sipped delicately.

There was a small area near the wooden table which was now press against an opposing wall which had a spill of something corrosive. Plastic utensils were wrinkled and distorted from the contact. A still intoxicated Daria imagined Scarecrow shouting curse words at the mistake and waste of chemical while Edward tried to calm him down and practically cleared it up with gloves. She smiled a bit.

"Edward has more at his home and Joker was delivered some today," Jonathan began, crossing past her to catch the sight of the room in full. "Behold, the beginning of a mass panic, chaos and fear which will cleanse Gotham of the weak,"

"Honey, where is this plan going to actually get us, what will we gain from it?" Daria's wine-tinted words had value and heavy weight to them. Scarecrow took offense.

"Knowledge and endless studies which I can use for whatever purpose," He began to circle behind her, "Everyone in beautiful distressing fear, Human Animals acting in their true uncivilised manner, Chaos in Gotham and -"

"Joker's natural habitat," Daria interjected, remembering that the party had hinted at a collaboration between the Gotham Rogues.

"Not just Joker, all of us," Scarecrow grinned. His grin, smile, whatever, was much more sardonic and teeth barring than Jonathan's.

Daria tried to take a deep breath without him noticing, "Alright, where do I come in?

Scarecrow stepped closer. Daria felt an impulse to step back but stood her ground. He took his arms around her waist and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her neck before telling her in a softer tone;

"You're the one who's going to start it all." He was grinning.

Daria happily surprised Scarecrow by kissing him quickly, stepping back and downing the rest of the contents of her mug.
"Okay, talk me through it," She took a breath, "I'm ready."

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