Chapter 14

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The Riddler was not a man to be late.
Neither was Jonathan.
However, Daria felt much less tethered to the expansive whims of time. This sparked a gentle argument between the couple.

"Eddy will be here in four minutes and 20....19...18 seconds and you haven't even put clothes on!" He remarked, exasperated, at the woman who was romping around in her matching black bra and underwear, whilst clumsily brushing a wooden comb through her thick hair. It sickened the better part of him that he was attracted to the blue-yellow-black bruising she had recently managed to acquire on her soft skin.

"Yes... sorry I just need to find that dress,"

As if a dog responding to its owner, the dress appeared to Daria when she looked around the side of the bed again. She then not-so elegantly pulled herself into it and turned to Jonathan to zip the back up.

"When Edward picked the size he truly guessed perfectly. This dress might as well be my exact body shape. I can hardly -" She gasped inwardly, "breathe."

Jonathan didn't have time to feel sorry for her. Punctuality was more important. He had no wish nor intention to do any last-minute shopping for a new dress. The 'Master of Fear' wore a black tuxedo with a loose noose in place of a bow tie. His signature burlap mask would be adorned upon arrival to the venue.

The two made their way to the front door. Daria paused, rather than reaching for the door she was staring at the frazzled Jonathan.
"Look at you, all worried about being late for a party," She giggled. He couldn't help but turn his lip into a brief smile for a moment.
"It's business not pleasure," He explained.
"Mhm, yes, Pleasure is afterwards," Daria made sure to say the statement almost dismissively whilst finally opening the door. Teasing her 'boyfriend' (the term had not been spoken aloud as it felt so strange to say). Jonathan couldn't withhold his deep chuckle of surprise at her statement.

After walking fifty yards, the couple were greated by a dark SUV which was due to take them to the event. Edward Nygma sat in the very back in his full green get-up. Beside him was a man wearing a purple top hat, with a pointy goatee and long wavy brown hair.
"Good evening Mister Scarecrow, who is this lovely dame? A hostage perhaps turned lover? She must have been fun to tame,"

It took Daria a moment to hear the meaning of the sentence. Jonathan had already swooped in to her defence – or his own defence for that matter.
"Watch your words Tetch, I would be delighted to test my latest modification as soon as possible and you may have the luck of being the first to feel it."

Tetch or 'The Mad Hatter' strongly wanted to say more. He loved having the reactions of others in his own hands. However, So did the Scarecrow. Evidently, he knew somewhat about Daria's initial history with Jonathan.

Had Riddler gossiped?

Did villains gossip?

Riddler sent a (friendly?) wink her way and Daria felt that he had not betrayed his best friend's trust. Jervis Tetch had discovered the information another way.

Whenever Jonathan wasn't glaring protectively at the hatter through his mask, the rhyming rogue sent Daria a dopey grin, most likely trying to unsettle her further.
Once she had realised that was what he was doing, she made an effort to not overthink about the situation and did her best to ignore him.

"Just here on the corner, fool!"

Oh Eddy, such a charming nickname you've given your driver.

The building of course was a desolate warehouse from the outside. Surprisingly it was made of bricks mostly rather than cheap thin metal. The Joker had 'employed' some steroid-pumped bouncers at the entrance. They nodded at the rogues as they passed through.
a tree trunk arm flew out in front of Daria. For the first time in a few days, she felt the familiar symptoms of panic resurging in her mind and body.
She felt sick.
The tight dress didn't help much.

"She's with me you buffoon," Scarecrow hissed at the bouncer, aiming his wrist with the toxin spray at the threat. The bouncer lower his arm after hesitation and Daria was able to rejoin the rest of the group, feeling more and more like an outcast each second. Feeling more and more choked by reality. Unsure of where she was going with her life. 
Sure she had known the darkness crawling in the narrows, but she didn't know ultimate crime like she was about to know it. She was now, most definitely, an accomplice. 

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