Chapter 30

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"Red! Boy am I glad to see mmmmmff!" A feminine hand muffled Harley.

"Lovely to see you too, Harls, but I'm here on business," She leant into Harley's ear, and whispered, "but it would be lovely if you stopped by later..."

Excited shivers went up Harley's spine.
"Mr J said he was expecting someone – he's in the room just -" she poked her head out of the door and into the hallway. "-three doors from the end of the hall!"

"Thanks Harley, I'll see you soon?" It was left more as a question than a statement. After all, Harley was in charge of herself, not the Joker, not Ivy, not anyone.

Gracefully silent due to her bare feet, Ivy was able to enter the apartment without any hassle. Considering the Joker was present in the room, there was a lack of 'decoration'. The front room was cluttered with what is typically seen in a living room; old leather armchairs, sofas, coffee tables, shelves, knives hanging over the decorative hearth-

Wait, that wasn't usual. This was definitely Joker's current residency.
Still with thoughtful quietness, Ivy crept further into the room, checking for cameras on the ceiling or random traps on the floor.

Then she smelled something.
Burning oil, in the kitchen. Using her power, she sent a dark vine along the floor, where there was a house plant in full view of the kitchen. Ivy connected her mind with it, to sense what was happening in the kitchen.
There he was, wearing a purple apron and cooking?
He then swivelled around, grinning, humming a tune. Bringing his pan closer to the innocent stationary life.

She heard a soft cry that only she could ever hear.
Then she felt it.

The pain of the Chlorophytum Comosum being burned in a slow death in its pot.

The pain was much less intense than usual. Her anger was much less too. Normally it would blind Ivy and make her take lives, hurt others who hurt innocence.
Today, she was able to be clear minded and focus on the Joker. Focus on really hurting him.
She walked into the kitchen, putting on a brave face. Attempting to seem unfazed.

"My, My, Poison have you lost your... poison?" Joker began to laugh. Still armed with the oily pan, he swung it up behind his shoulder like a baseball bat. A few drops of oil touched his face, burning his cheeks.
He didn't flinch.

Thorny vines shot out at the madman, lifting him off the ground and making his wrists bled from where they embedded.
But he didn't stop laughing.

Joker's thugs twitched on the ground in terror. Daria kicked them both in between the thighs for good measure.

"Feisty!" Edward 'purred' emphatically, "Careful pissing her off Jonny,"

"Ivy's gone," Jonathan couldn't see her at all. It wouldn't be unlike Ivy to break away from a group and sort things out herself – but that didn't always work out too well. Ivy and Joker had a long running 'civil' distaste for one another.

"I guess my element of surprise idea was ruined anyway," Daria looked back at the two men crying on the floor. "I hope you both don't mind running."
With that, she took off running and in a moment of pure adrenaline, found herself climbing up the side of a building by using the trash, first floor roof and window ledges as grips.

Both men stared.
"I'm not doing that, I will arrive fashionably late as I do," Edward brushed the crinkles from his suit. "You better run after her,"

Jonathan rolled his eyes under the mask and then jogged towards the fire exit door which thankfully lead to a stairwell.
Third Floor.

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