Chapter 42

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Daria did not leave the house for three days, spending most of her time stretched out on the sofa. Between sleeping and eating, she had read some of Jonathan's many books. Finally, she dared to turn on the TV and see the chaos she had kickstarted for her partner.

The television documented the disorder in Gotham. The whole city had been placed under a quarantine by the Government; criminals as well as army officers did their best to block exit and entry. Daria had heard the occasional commotion outside, but she (and Jonathan) was blessed with the house's placement. It was beautifully silent most of the time and normally they didn't come across people until two minutes away from their front door. (If she may be so bold as to claim the house with possessive language). Now with the current madness outside, there was lots of noise. Most of the time it was in the distance.

Daria had been making herself pancakes when she heard the door beginning to unlatch. She, of all things, grabbed a large wooden spoon which could act as a whacking device.

In his theatrical Scarecrow garments, Jonathan stumbled in, exhausted.
"When did you get back?" He asked, taking off his mask, neck-tie and shoes. His face glistened in the kitchen light from his sweat.
"I think this is my, um," she paused, worried about his reaction, "third day home." She waited for him to get annoyed, still armed with the wooden spoon.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He said instead, smiling over at the TV which continually streamed the news as it came. It was a surprise that the news reporters hadn't been hijacked by Joker yet. That would occur soon enough. Harley would make a great news presenter. She'd love the attention, fuss and theatrical outlet.

"I'm happy for you," she smiled sincerely.

"No doubt Batman's associates working on a way to stop it all," he continued, "that needs to be stopped first."
"Are you finally giving me a second job?" She raised her eyebrow.
"You were so impressive with the first," He moved over to kiss her.
"Are you bribing me with emotional and physical attention?"
"Is it working?" He mumbled against her cheek.
"It's doing a bit," she teased.
"What will do it completely?"
"Can we have a quiet evening in together, that's all I ask." Daria sometimes wanted to point out to Jonathan that he was lucky she was so easy-going. However, she felt that would be wrong of her. She kept it to herself that she knew she could has asked for so much more in that moment.
She'd enjoyed the few days alone but felt completely whole again now that the two were reunited. She aimed to keep as much faith in Scarecrow's plan, but she didn't see it's sustainability. She wouldn't be surprised if S.W.A.T or the FBI broke down the door any moment, or Batman for that matter, and took Jonathan – or even herself – away.

Harley was floating in a jacuzzi she'd found in the penthouse of a luxury hotel. The jets and bubbles were on full and she couldn't get enough of it. She had hoped her makeup would stay resilient on her face as it claimed 'waterproof' but she imagined herself looking all the more deranged.
She closed her eyes for a moment just listening to the dull repetitive droning of the water jets. The sirens outside were quieted by the water she was immersed in. When she opened her eyes again, there were pale pink flowers floating around her.
"Red?" She asked the empty space around her. She stood up and looked around. Then she felt movement underneath her and Ivy came out of the water, scooping Harley onto her shoulders and then splashing her back in.
The two women laughed with each other.
"This night is fantastic, Harley," Ivy rejoiced, "I've gotten so much revenge for my babies and it isn't even morning!"

"That's great Red, got time to spare for lil old me now?"

"Of course, gorgeous, I always have time for you," She playfully dipped Harley under the water and pulled her back up for a kiss. The penthouse was filled with the sound of giddy giggles, splashing water and distant police sirens.  

-Here's a sugary short chapter, updating more tomorrow ! -

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