Chapter 36

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Harley Quin and Poison Ivy lay nuzzled together, side by side. Harley rested her head between Ivy's shoulder and a pillow. Their hair tangled together. Their breaths fell and rose in unison.

"I can't leave him, Red," Harley told her in a serious tone. Her infantile sing-song voice momentarily replaced. "He's done so much for me, I owe him my life,"
"Then you owe me your life too, Harls, and Scarecrow and the Bat, we've all saved your life once. You've even saved mine and Joker's lives." She ran cool fingers through Harley's hair which had tucked behind her ear.
"In this lifestyle, it's stupid to owe someone your life. We flirt with death to often. We've caused a few deaths too. Joker certainly has. Do we owe them all?"
"Wow, Red, that's...." The sombre, sullen expression on her face began to curve upward. "I love you, Poison Oaky," She joked about the name she'd called her when they first acquainted.
"I love you too, Harley," Ivy didn't hesitate to admit it. Harley knew. Everyone knew. Ivy was just waiting for Harley to autonomously make the decision to leave Joker. Ivy's recent drug induced method proved to be melodramatic and unhelpful.
At least I have moments like these.
Ivy thought to herself as Harley curved her body so that she was snuggled against Ivy more. Warming up the cold woman who was still healing her body from the recent endured intoxication. Whether or not Harley left the Joker, Ivy would be with her too.

Jonathan snorted as he woke up from his head moving. It had felt like he was suddenly free-falling. He didn't' remember falling asleep. He just remembered pouring coffee for Daria, who had taken a minor break from her downstairs labour. He'd then sat himself on the sofa to go through patient notes. A coffee for himself was placed on top of his old tattered copy of the DSM-II which he'd somehow managed to come into possession due to his career.

Now, at whatever time it was, the mug was still there; full to the brim with dark liquid and completely cold. His notes were scattered along the sofa. Jonathan arched back his neck to the left and right, stiff from his unintended sleeping position. He'd been getting used to Daria – cutely- fixing him up at night if he'd fallen asleep while working.

The door of the basement creaked open and his partner in crime revealed herself. Without a word, she went to the piles of paper and gathered them into a stack. She carefully picked up the full coffee mug and took it to the kitchen to be dumped. In its place was a dark ring on the cover of Jonathan's book.

Oh well, it's out of date anyway...

When the sofa area had been cleared, she returned and reached for Jonathan's hand to pull him onto his feet. They didn't have to speak to each other. They were both exhausted and both knew what they wanted. Right now, it was just to sleep next to each other in the comfort of their own bed for the next few hours until social commitments pulled them apart.

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