Chapter 40

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Harley Quinn pulled the oak comb through Ivy's lush red hair. It lightly bounced back into waved after every combing effort. Thankfully, it was no longer knotted. Ivy looked more vibrant as well. The rest had done her well.

"Scarecrow and Joker start their activities this evening, Harls,"

"I know, Mista J has been excited about it," Harley put the comb down and pulled Ivy's hair over her shoulder as she liked to wear it. "It's not just those two, we all get to have fun, are you excited, Red?"

Truthfully, Ivy was. She needed to be herself again; devoted to a cause for nature. While her plants began to grow and prosper throughout the city, she would pay visit to all the individuals in the city which profited off mass murder and exploitation. Fracking endorsers and company CEOs would be first. Previous enemies which she never finished off would be second.

Harley was thinking of all the stores she would rob first, then houses. She would break into the most lavish houses in Gotham. Take baths in their luxury bathrooms, try on all their clothes, eat their food. She hoped Red would join her. They could have fun just the two of them in as many houses as they wanted to. Gotham would belong to the Rogues.

"Let's get ready," Ivy turned and kissed Harley gently before standing up and stretching.
"Yes ma'am!" Harley cheered, jumping off the bed and running to the mirror to top up her makeup.

Edward stood in front of his mirror, posing in his favourite green suit.
"Perfect, now we wait,"
He wanted to drink more of the tea which Ivy had unnecessarily abused. It would give him heightened senses that he could use well during this time.
Perhaps if he waited until the first action worked then there would be more evident opportunity to use his mixture.

Jonathan had been somewhat inspired by Ivy's meltdown and encouraged Edward to tell the recipe. He was given the idea that he could make another toxin which incites euphoric adrenaline before plummeting straight into pure terror. It was a test amongst his perfected mixtures. They were labelled with green marker pen – homage to Edward? – whilst his originals were labelled with blue pen.

Edward looked to his antique clock by his bed.
Daria would be starting it all in a matter of minutes. 

Daria had painted her face in full to hide her identity. Her eyebrows were tinted darker. Her lips were dark brown like her hair. Her eyeshadow kept to brown, orange and red tones. She had been tempted to add a defining piece to her face which would show connection to Scarecrow, but she couldn't think of what to do.

Scarecrow had finally revealed to her that he had mass produced toxin in one of Arkham's biggest labs. It had been labelled shut and out of use for restoration to others who passed by the opaque white door. Daria had been given Jonathan's full access pass as well as a set of instructions. It surprised her to see his toxin in what appeared to be bomb format. Joker would no doubt be thrilled by this.

Of course, how else was the gas to be distributed?

Daria's job was to get everything out of Arkham and find a public busy place to set off the first rounds, inviting Joker and everyone else to catalyse the chaos.

Night clubs?
High End Restaurants?

Daria nodded to herself, pleased with the decision. Edward had learnt her people for her job. She got them to help her load up a van with Scarecrow's previous cargo.

She figured the biggest public spectacle would be in a Restaurant uptown. She informed Edward's men that they were to go into nightclubs and detonate bombs individually. They were all given gas masks.

Daria jumped out of the van and pulled a gas mask over her mouth and nose.
She then surprised herself, Jonathan and the rest of the rogues with her actions which they all watch unfold on live television.

After locating the stereo which connected to the speakers, Daria tore the wire. The music and melody of chatter began to fade.

"Good Evening Everyone!" She walked over to the polished wood table which stood between the bar, kitchen and the consumers. "This evening is all about new beginnings, change, overcoming obstacles... sounds great doesn't it?" She looked around.

"Get off the table!" A man shouted from a table.
"You sir," She pointed to him, "what are you afraid of?"
"Not you sweetheart, that's for sure, what's the mask for, intimidation?"
"I'm so glad you asked, sweetie," She jumped off the table and walked over to the man. He seemed to be in his late forties-early fifties still dressed in a suit from work, with his wife across from him dresses in a dark blue dress and matching jewelled necklace. "I've already had my dose, your turn," She threw the egg-shaped vessel against the wall, watching it smash and diffuse instantly. Screams and commotion followed seconds after. With all the adrenaline flowing through her, Daria ran out of the building and didn't stop, looking for more populated buildings.

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