Chapter 20

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The bear-hug had resulted in Daria having to take a few deep breaths to regain oxygen. Ethan grinned weakly, unapologetic, still standing in the doorway of his house in a long white t-shirt and stripped blue boxers. 

"Sorry about the appearance, I work in the second half of the day, so I lay in most mornings." He guided her in through the door and then over to the living room where the TV was playing a soccer match from the previous night. Something Daria (and to her fortune, Jonathan) cared nothing about.

"So April gets back in two months from her fancy expedition thing, I feel like a celibate monk, I work at a fancy restaurant in the richest part of Gotham I never knew existed and my mom says Hi." He plonked himself down on the sofa. "Your turn, what's new?" He shuffled over to give her space to sit. Daria was getting unusual cold vibes from her friend. He had strong black circles under his eyes and a messy house. 

My boyfriend is my old professor, he has a thing for fear and he's basically a drug dealer with a drug kitchen in his basement - and we live together. His friends allegedly kill people and I'm hanging with them in their costume wearing group.

"I got a job at Arkham Asylum. Have to intern first. Paid intern." Daria managed to push out in choppy phrases.

"The criminal hospital... in the narrows?"

Yes, the hospital in the narrows which I expressed interest in for the three years that we went to University together....

"Hey! It's hard to promote a mental hospital as classy. It's only got one criminal wing. We have out-patients and in-patients. Besides, it's not like you've ever been there."

"Yeah Daria, it's in the narrows," Ethan took a breath to steady himself. His tone was sharp and uninviting. "That aspect aside, how's it going?"

"It's great, we get food included and I may get my own desk space if I get a future promotion. My supervisor is our old psychology teacher, Dr Crane?"

"no surprises there," Ethan muttered.


"It's an interesting coincidence,"

"Yeah, I'm happy with being able to somewhat know someone there. It's a big building."

"where are you living,"

"With Eric,"

Ethan sighed and peeled his eyes away from the TV to look at his university friend.
"I can't waste my energy worrying about you in the Narrows anymore, it seems you're just naturally drawn to danger and dark people."

Daria readjusted her jacket on her shoulders and stood up again. "I'm sorry you were worrying unnecessarily. Your worrying doesn't make any difference, especially if you never reach out to talk to me about it. You know my number anyway, I'll see myself out."

"You and the psych professor have been banging this whole time." Ethan bluntly put. "Why else were you always slipping away with him on Fridays, going to the Narrows, your glamorous coursework grades, getting him to leave Gotham University." He reached for the TV remote and turned down the volume. "And I saw you both having a café date a month or so ago."

"When did you become a blunt, judgemental sleaze?" Daria swivelled around on her way out of the living room. "Is it because you were breathing down my neck about going on one date for two years and I never said 'yes'? I thought you and April were happy together, she loves you Ethan."

"Sure, you go ahead and think that," His exhausted smiled was pushed onto his face again. "Anyway, I believe you were leaving; front door is unlocked."

"Congratulations on getting something right for the first time since I've known you."

In an act of defiance and disrespect, the woman left the door wide open to the public rather than closing it. Ethan's behaviour was highly unlike him. In the past Daria would have responsibly known it was either from stress, perhaps with April, or work or substance use. However, the event had assisted Daria in having a reason to leave Ethan in the part of her old life that she was happily discarding.

Daria had been twenty minutes early to meeting Eric on the park bench at one of the many small green spaces in the city. The birds gathered at his scuffed black boots. He was wearing the patchy black jeans that Daria had voluntarily re-sewn dozens of times.

"It's good to see you back on your feet,"
The two hadn't really seen each other since Daria's 'drug recovery.
"it's good to see you in general," He continued to confess. "Life's going good for me right now; It's always going to be the same simple repetition and I'm not complaining at all."

"Sounds nice." Daria was starring at the flocking birds and their search for food scraps. "I don't think I've had a single day that's usual for a while." The sentence made the Joker's grin pop into her mind and she shuddered for a moment. "but, it keeps me busy."

"I'm sure it does. You haven't visited me in so long. It's good to know that you're okay."

Daria felt an impulse to correct him but then realised that, although occasionally overcome with anxiety, she was okay. She had no regrets in her current relationship. She was fascinated by the journey ahead. Her 'new friends' were interesting and good company. She'd actually enjoyed playing Chess for the first time in years with Edward the day before. Jonathan had stopped by to grab a box from Edward and been surprised into laughter by seeing his girlfriend and his best friend locking gazes in a showdown fashion whilst making moves across the antique wooden chessboard.

"Sitting at the park bench is cute but I'm not coming uptown just to sit at the birdy king throne, I'm thinking burgers at that diner two blocks down what about you?"

"Can't go wrong with a sesame seed bun and chocolate shake," The mention of a sugary delight was enough to make Eric bounce up excitedly.

"You're paying then?" He asked, half hidden from the menu.
"Oh please, to each their own," Daria rolled her eyes. "Last time I paid for the both of us you totally abused your power."
The childhood friends took a moment to recall the shared memory.

"Okay okay," His hands went up in surrender. "I'll go order for us both though, hand me your change."
Eric went up to the counter to place the order for the table, possibly hoping to get a discount from the venue in return for a discount at his bar.

Daria's phone began buzzing from her jacket pocket. Jonathan's name occupied the screen.

"Do you know what time you'll be back home?" The word home gave Daria butterflies... good butterflies.

"In about two hours, is that okay?"

"Perfect, that's earlier than I thought."

"Is there an event for this evening?"

"Am I not allowed to want to be with you? The last week has been so busy. I've been given the rest of the day off."

Like a teenage girl again, Daria couldn't hold back her smile and sudden adrenaline.
"I'll see you in an hour or so."

After two burgers, two chocolate shakes and a partially honest retelling of the past few months, the two friends left the dinner and headed towards the opening of the Narrows. There was a shuttle Daria could get on to go one stop to Jonathan's house.
"Well, your 'doctor dazzling' sounds like a good guy," They both momentarily embraced.
"That sounds like what I should change his phone name to." The laugh turned into a sigh, "I'll come see you soon, 'kay?"

"Great, come see what I've done with the place. It's almost respectable." He winked. "Oh, and ignore that Ethan guy, you don't need drama like that in your life, you have bigger things to deal with."

Ain't that a fact.

They both gave one another emphatic waves before turning their backs. Daria had to perform a quick sprint in order to make it on the shuttle in time, clinging a large paper bag to her torso.

Professor Fear (the sequel) - Jonathan CraneWhere stories live. Discover now