Chapter 16

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-AN:Today in my Clinical Psychology course I had my first lecture about phobias.
 Gotta say; I learnt much more just by being into Scarecrow for the past five years-

The painted man brought himself as close to the fresh meat as possible. His breath gently heating her skin.
"Y'know you remind me of a woman I once knew," The Joker confessed, seemingly forgetting his previous question. "but with less manners."

Daria opened her mouth to ask what he meant only to have a hand cover her mouth followed by a whisper of "Shh shh shh I'm not done,"
"You see Daria-" He dragged on her name and rolled the 'r', "-I know who you are, I enjoy to know everything that may relate to me in one way or another."

Perhaps Scarecrow hasn't come over here yet because he knows that I'm afraid, and he likes it. The thought made perfect sense but was sad to think true.

"Harley was like you once too; a promising university student – well she made it further than you because she became a doctor – but she still tipped and fell straight down the rabbit hole, into my outstretched arms. My words soaked her through, mentally and physically," He grinned and winked, "-and drove her to insanity which is the true freedom, a cage free mind let to be and do anything- with me."

"You, on the other hand, fell down the rabbit hole every time a drug rushed through your veins, ravaging your inner being. Here you are, totally devoted to Scarecrow, the man who made you completely hollow inside,"

Was Joker giving her cryptic dating advice?

He was being incredibly intimidating whilst doing so.

"You think you don't belong here Daria, but you do, you're twisted as the rest of us. Just give in to your darkest interests, humour them, play with them, become them."

"Joker," The familiar voice washed over her like Valium.
"Got yourself a tasty snack here Scarecrow," The Joker told the man behind Daria, before looking back at her and making a gentle imitation of a bite.

"Thank you, but you have your own candy over there on the toy horses," Scarecrow reminded the clown, referencing Harley who was pretending to ride a Joker-painted horse on the carousel of horses which Daria had just noticed were all painted white with green hair and smudged red mouths.
The Devil is in the details.

"Mista J look at me!"
"Coming Baby!" And just like that, the Joker's attention had been diverted.

"is your business done yet?" Daria asked the bright blue eyes staring at her through the burlap.
"I hate these social events," Jonathan admitted. Scarecrow had given up on his crime and toxin-mongering for the evening.

"Sooo we can go home?" The colour and confidence was slowly returning to her.

"I'll ask Eddy if I can borrow his driver unless you'd like to take public transport?"
Both of them imagined themselves in their overdressed villainous states getting on public transport at this time of night. A comedy and an instant hotline to Batman looking out for them. Especially since Halloween was not for a little while and in Gotham a costume party was always a villain gathering.

Once back in the SUV, Daria couldn't help but run through the Joker's words again.

'Here you are, totally devoted to Scarecrow, the man who made you completely hollow inside'

It wasn't at all sane. It wasn't at all healthy. Daria was truly beginning to see subtle parallels between her and Harley Quinn.
However, it didn't frighten her. It merely interested her.

Immediately after the front door was shut, Daria tossed off her shoes and went to the downstairs bathroom to remove the extra makeup that had felt so alien to her. The cold water on her face felt so refreshing after having felt overheated from the stress of the social event.

"Jonathan can you-"
When she returned to the living room, the lights were out. Jonathan had retreated upstairs to the bedroom, perhaps even as tired as she was.

After lugging herself up the stairs and into the bedroom, she repeated herself.
"Jonathan can you unzip this body-crushing piece of fabric," She lifted her hair over her shoulder so the top of the zip was accessible.
The cold tips of his hands briefly caressed her skin when reaching for the zip and Daria subconsciously sighed and leaned against his hand.
As if that was all the sign that Jonathan needed, the zip began to slowly become undone and gentle kisses were placed on the back of her neck and her shoulders. As much as the kisses were lovely, Daria had felt a much greater sense of pleasure by getting a full gust of air through her lungs. She spun around to face Jonathan, wiggling out of her dress.

"Why'd you take so long to come to me when Joker was talking to me," Daria asked between the heated fast kisses.
"He wasn't' going to hurt you,"
"Why does everyone know about me,"
"One of your classmates was getting paid by the Joker to spy on you. I found out tonight at the party."
"I don't know, when I do, I'll let them try my toxin and you can watch... if you want,"
There was a moment of silence between them. Daria was in thought. Repeating Joker's one-sided discussion with her.
To fill the silence Jonathan returned to lightly kissing her neck and shoulders.
"Stop influencing my opinion," Daria almost moaned her words. "I can't say no when you're making me feel like this,"
"Do you want to punish the person who's been spying on you??"
Jonathan lay back on the bed and pulled her up beside him.

"Do you want punishment?"
"So Eddy will find out who the rat was, he'll capture them and I'll break them,"

And that was the moment Daria affirmed herself as part of the Gotham Rogues.

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