Chapter 23

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No less than three minutes after stepping in through Arkham's gothic front door, Doctor Crane had been called to two different locations within the hospital. Daria had walked into the building a few seconds after him, to keep their situation professional.
"Ah, Ms Morrison, thank you for joining us this morning, a perfect timing," Jonathan send a subtle smirk her way. "The north ward on the third floor needs an expert opinion on a patient's behaviour and I am needed elsewhere, could you please go with Hayley to assess the situation whilst I go approve a medical intervention in the ER. I'll send a pager to the doctors present, so they can come to you as soon as possible,"

"Of course, Dr Crane."

Daria followed behind the fellow female worker, admiring the long honey brown hair bouncing with her every step. Without consultation, Hayley began ascending the stairs rather than opting for the elevator. She took one last glance at Jonathan who was striding down the foyer. His hair bounced subtly with his walk. She thought it was cute.

Jonathan watched as the patient, who had been shaking violently moments before, went into an immediate relaxed state. The young paramedic gently withdrew the small needle from the patient's left arm and quickly replaced it with a cotton ball to soak up any blood. The ER had five bedridden patients managed by two paramedics. There was not a single nurse or doctor present – excluding himself.

"Where is the doctor that is supposed to be on duty?" His empathy did not extend to the whole ward, but Jonathan was surprised and disappointed by the lack of authority in the Emergency Room. It was almost 10am and the department was not ordered at all. "In fact, why is there such a shortage in doctors this morning?"

"He just didn't show up this morning," The unprofessional paramedic lightly shrugged on his way to assessing the next patient.

"You didn't think to notify anyone?"

"We notified you Doctor Crane,"

"Warden Sharp will be haste to remove you from medical duty upon hearing that you haven't notified anyone of the situation,"

The cocky attitude melted away from the paramedic's face. Jonathan took one final minute to check the patient's vitals and current state before heading for the door, aiming to pass by Dr Sharp's office on his way to his own.

Once on the top floor, Jonathan knocked on the Warden's door.

"It's open!"

Without a hello Jonathan opened the door, stuck his head through and, although with characteristic emphasis, told the Warden about the paramedic being highly unprofessional and the ER being 'a complete mess'.

The sound of paper being scrambled cut off his rant. Warden Sharp lifted a paper in front of him melodramatically.

"The calendar says that Doctor Price is supposed to be on duty today,"
Jonathan recalled personally last seeing Dr Price giving Daria her induction tour. He wasn't one to be late to anything. "I'll call his phone immediately and page him."

"Give me an update in an hour," Jonathan would check the doctor hadn't fallen to the mercy of any criminal activity whilst awaiting the Warden's update.

Doctor Crane's office smelled of coffee and vanilla. He was clueless as to where the latter of the scents came from. Daria claimed that some old books gave off a similar scent. There was no shortage of books and paper stacks in the office. They were stacked at the farthest wall from the door, diagonal to the small red armchair kept for patients and visitors. The only off side to the room was that the walls were uncomfortably bare. Jonathan was no decorator and had no ambition to alter the room's appearance.

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