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Jen's POV

*Saturday Morning*

"Ugh." I groan as I began waking up. Thank the lord it was Saturday, I had no school plus I didn't go into work until way later. I grabbed my phone from its charger and started scrolling through social media.

I was on instagram when I saw my sister posted on her story. I press on it to see a picture of a guy with the caption "Date❤️"

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit! Yes! Fina-fucking-lly!

I run to her room. Finally this happens! She hasn't been on a date, let alone even talked to a guy since Alma's dad left. She was heartbroken and didn't want it to happen again so she cut herself off from the dating world until now.

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!" I jump on her bed while she's apparently still sleeping. Oops?

"Jenny! What the fuuuuck?" Oh yeah she's definitely gonna be pissed but whatever it's already almost noon it's time to get up.

"What's this date shit about? You never told me anything!" I throw her pillow at her head.

"Maybe because I simply want my privacy."

"You live in a house full of chismosas, plus are surrounding with family members that are chismosas. Privacy my ass!"

"Okay point taken, but still. I don't want people making a big deal out of this, who knows if it'll even work out."

"Why would you think it wouldn't work out?" I sit with her.

"I kind of maybe didn't tell him about Alma." She fiddles with her fingers.


"So what if he finds out about Alma and realizes he doesn't want it be with me anymore? I really like this guy Jenny."

"Look, I'm gonna tell exactly what you told me when I had guy problems. If he doesn't like you for you, then he isn't the one for you. You're a mom, that's a part of you, if he doesn't want to accept that or even like that then leave his ass. There are so many guys out there that would love you and would love Alma too. He isn't the only one out there." I rub her back.

I know she likes this guy, but he has to accept her for the person and mom she is.

"Jesus, when did you become the wise one?"

"I'm only wise when it's needed." I smile and hug her. "Okay enough of that tell me about this mystery guy."

"Okay okay okay. His name is Andrew. He's in the Army. He's 26, you know a little older but whatever. He's so handsome and yeah that's basically him."

"You look so happy talking about him, that's cute. I'm happy you're happy." I smile.

"What about you huh? That boyfriend of yours and may I add you first hot boyfriend!" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"What about him? We've only been dating for three weeks, but he's so amazing and he treats me like a queen. He's just a blessing altogether." I blush.

Anytime and every time I talk about Shawn I get butterflies and I blush uncontrollably. I swear that is is the cutest guy I've ever seen.

"Aw look at my baby sister talking about her boyfriend. You're really growing up." She hugs me.

"You're getting way too emotional, I'm gonna go." She laughs and pushes me.

I lay on my bed again and see that Shawn texted me.

Shawn❤️: Hey baby, I'm coming over. See you soon xo (8 minutes ago)

Shit. Shit. Shit. I have to get myself together. 

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