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It was 10 am in the morning, they were all gathered inside the home office, Chris, Ian and Mr. Chiong the attorney.

"My condolence, Mr. Monteverde, Ms. Perez" started by the older man "you might have some ideas as why I gathered you two today here, despite the current sad situation that has happened by the tragic death of Don and Doña Monteverde and Mr and Mrs Perez" when only nods were the answers of both parties he continued "I'm here as you have probable guest in behalf of both your parents to read their last will and testimony" again only nods were the answers "to you Ms. Perez, as the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Perez they specifically provide you a full educational fund until you finish college or until what post- grad you want to take, they also provide you 1billion pesos that you can avail ones you reach the maturity of age 25 or if you got married, provided that your guardian will approve of your said husband to be"

Julianna POV

"What?!" My shock reaction "but sir I'm only 16, still in highschool, if you say 25 years that would be 9 years from now"

I said I can't absorb everything the attorney said, if I base my daily living expenses from my educational fund that won't do, yes I know my educational fund is limitless but can I live with it until I reach 25? Also need to get married my gosh it never even cross my mind yet Tsk3 and what is he saying guardian, as far as I know both my parents are only child and I don't have any more close relatives in the Philippines the only family I knew, aside from my parents are Tito George and Tita Gina parents of Chris and my parents bestfriends and business partners.

"Yes, I know miss, but your parents also appointed a guardian for you which he will also provide for you if necessary."

"What's this guardian, or should I ask who's this guardian your talking about Mr. Chiong?" I asked shakily "I can't believe dad and mom entrusted me with someone I don't know" I'm already teary eye from the stress the news I just received

"I'm sorry miss, I'm just reading what's in the will, I know how distressing this might come to you but I'm sure your parents knows what they want and trust him to look out for you"

I sat there silently still, thinking of my parents will, when the attorney continue in his discussion, and something of what he mention got me frozen in shock and disbelief

Chris POV

"Mr. Monteverde, Chris I've been serving your parents ever since before you were born I am one of the witnesses of your growing up, and also I'm also the first person your parents calls when you got into trouble, which is often enough" the attorney said with some fondness "but, today after the accident and the death of your parents, they gave you the full authority to run your company as you see fit, and also provided you the responsibility of becoming the legal guardian of your parents bestfriends and business partners daughter, Ms. Julianna Marie Perez"

"What the heck! Are you fucking kidding me Chiong!"

I shouted at the older man I can't help my self, I'm only 24 years old just recently finished my MBA from states were I stayed since college, i went home for good after staying away thinking after my sacrifices at school I can at least relax for sometime until Papa and Tito decides to retire maybe in 5years time and now, not only I'm responsible for the whole fucking company which i know I can manage but also I'm to be a guardian for an16 year old high schooler. God, this must be a dream, a nightmare more over, I want to kick something preferably my own head because I can feel my head starts aching from the stress of the will.

"There's no need to swear, Chris" chided by Mr. Chiong "you still haven't change a bit, hmf, but I'm sorry to say the will stays as it is, we cannot change anything it was all decided by both your parents before the accident, in fact it was made 5years ago when you left for the state, I'm only relaying to you what both your parents ask me to do, it's legally binding and approved by the court of law. We, you can't do anything about it anymore" the man looked at them both sharply "now if you'll both excuse me, I have to prepare for some other case I'm handling, I'll be going, thank you for your time, I will leave you both a copy of the will, good day" and they were left alone in the room.

We were both sitting silently in the room no one wants to break the silence both thinking on their own trying to find solution to the situation they are in, they did not both expect that their life will be entwined starting today. Not only they both lost their parents but they also have big adjustments to do in their life.

"Ian" I started "since your already graduating this school year I guest I'll let you continue at your school"


Julianna POV

Of all the arrogant, what the heck is he talking about, only an hour past by when they received the shocking news this arrogant man-boy is stating things as if he has some say in my life.


"I said, since you are already a graduating student this school year, I'll let you stay there for now" he repeat arrogantly

"And what, makes you think that your letting me stay at my school NOW will have any influence in what my decisions are, now or in the near future"

I know I'm making a big issue out of his simple statement but I don't care anymore I'm grieving and pissed off in what I just learned not to mention my teenage hormones which is said to go high wire if not guided properly now that both my parents are dead, I have no anchor to hold me properly on my place, life is so unfair, I was a good girl before this tragedy happened in my life, I'm a straight A's student and honor student, a good and obedient daughter, a good friend, a teachers pet, what a good and wonderful teenager can be I am that, why had it happened to me, why me? Why my parents? Their good, God fearing people. I can't help ask all over and over again in my mind.

"Stay put!"

I didn't realize I was already ready to stand up and leave the room if not for that voice with full of authority stoping me from moving. I turned to him with my left eyebrow raise in question.

"I did not yet gave you my permission to leave this room, we are not yet finish with our discussion, Julianna"

"Make me!" I dare and continue to take my steps and left my just recently arrogant guardian in angry disbelief still written on his face at my actions.

Chris POV


I swore violently and kick the battered office chair over and over again letting out my anger and frustrations in my actions. I need an outlet, I never expect everything to be this complicated still swearing colorfully, not only I'm now the new CEO and President of my parents company I'm also a guardian of a girl, a very angry and rebellious 16 year old girl. I don't know if I can survive my new responsibilities. I need to forget everything just this ones before entering to war. And from the earlier episode there will be a big war, a very big war indeed. Reaching my cellphone and automatically dial a number.

"Bro, asan kayo? I need a drink and bang some girls"

The Arrogant Guardian (unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon