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THETUB92...oh I wonder who would get this name...so OG bitch...

Btw this is my sisters new account XD fucking aye

Anyways me and bubs really have wierd inside jokes...lmao

So from the song, 'No Limit' there is a part...hold on:

(Really Coolio, Poppin song)

Anyways there is a part that states
"Fuck em' and get sum money" so...bubs told me one day, jokingly, "*insert a kid's name* fuck em' and gets no money!"

So...now we scream that alot and inserts people's names..XD lmao

Also, there is one part that says
"Turn G-Easy out!"

And so me being a huge dick lmao decided to ...hold on

Me: what are you doing bubs?
        Turning G-Easy out?

Her: no!

And so I say that shit alot to her and she gets annoyed (spam her fucking page with it and laugh at her...she will laugh too lmao plus it would be fucking funny to see spams of "turn G-Easy out" and "fuck em' and get no money" XD probably will warn her ahead of time and also not bulling holy shit just making a joke XD)


Also, in another song "My chick bad" hold on XD

There is a part which states, "body lookin' like milk" (I'm not sorry, it is a not appropriate song but like what would you expect and also, I know this song from my mother Because she obviously listens to RnB and hip hop and like all over the place things, metal and shit, so that's where I get it from)


And one night, on a phone call, bubs decides to sing it lmao


Lmao but.

She sang milk weird as he did in the song ...me and her laughed so damn hard and now we say that.

body lookin' like MiLk

Said exactly like that XD

Also, yesterday was funny as hell as I was texting Mai frens (on the subject of Ryan being that and shit) and I couldn't stop saying, "IM CRYING, STAP" and you wanna know what Ryan said? He said...

"I know how you can stop crying...use Mr. Noodle" before bursting out laughing with me...

Gotta love em'

Oh WAIT! I went to a play at my school ( Coolio shit there) and your lil innocent bean cried. I cried. I'll admit I cried. It was Beauty and the Beast, which I watched a million times but still cried for the first time to it....lmao and then after I saw my daughter (the one that sat on my lap when I told her I was pan xD) I legit laughed and hugged her so damn hard and kissed her in the middle of her head. She was exhausted and I am such a proud mother XD also, I am still not fully recovered from no sleep so I was acting eh so that's an adding factor to it. So don't be like "WTF JAZZ" in the comments.

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