Reasons to fucking hate my guts and why guys dont like me

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Your welcome lmao

1.) I make wierd-ass faces. Legit these ugly faces for no reason, any place, any time

2.) I can get emotional over simple things like movies and books..

3.) I'm really lazy. Like legit lazy. More than lazy. I just like laying down and not doing anything

4.) I have a big mouth and have no way to close it. I will legit start shit over no reason because I'll say some stupid shit because of my big mouth.

5.) I get an additude. I do honestly. You will legit want to smack the shit out of me (well my mom says she wants to or smack the depression out of me not in a very nice way thoo...)

6.) I don't like public places. At. All. Sometimes and my panic attacks are horrible.

7.) I have bad past memories and get triggers and get highly upset.

8.) I look like hell in the morning. Like my hair is a mess and looks like I fought someone

9.) I legit take over the whole bed. Doesn't matter how huge the bed is. I stretch out and take over the bed and the blanket. Like wrap the whole blanket around myself and not let you have any (like sleepovers or so idk I am not sexually active lmao) and it is when I am sleeping.

10.) I kick when I am sleeping. I also snore! Yes I snore but lowly LMAO

11.) I'm a pretty loud or silent person at times and like...that's annoying

12.) I have a huge stuff animal and no I don't want to get rid of it. I fucking hold on to dear life to that

13.) I'm gullible

14.) I like screaming or doing wierd shit in public lmao

15.) I like to draw when I am at a restaurant and then give it to the person who served us because..I don't know

16.)  I'm an evil bitch. On the elevator, any kind, when I am getting off it is a bad habit to touch every single button of levels.

17.) I have a bad habit of locking doors when I am entering a room

18.) I am a messy person and don't like to clean up (as my mother tells me)

19.) Have really bad insomnia where I barely sleep during the night and that's annoying I guess

There is more but like...I'm lazy lmao

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