Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jessica's POV

Neymar, likes me? I've got to be dreaming. But, do I like him? I don't know.
"So, the movies over. What do want to do?" He ask.
"I don't know. You pick." I say.
He looks at the ground and then back at me.
"We could play some football?" He says.
"I don't have my cleats."
"You could borrow my old ones that don't fit no more." He jumps up and runs off into a room. He comes with two pair of cleats and hand them to me.
"I think their a little big."
I take my shoes off and try them on and laugh. "Just a little big." I say. He smiles and runs back into the room. I take off my hoodie and leave my bag on the sofa. I stand by the door and see Neymar run towards me. He had a ball in hand and some goalie gloves.
"Think you might need these." He smiles and I take the gloves from him.
We head down the hall and I think of something strange.
"Let's have a race." I say.
"We can't race down the elevator." He says.
"That's why they made stairs." I smirk.
"Okay. I call the left wing stairs."
"Your on!" I say.
"Ready. Set. Go." We both bolt down the hall towards the stairs. We slam the doors open and run down the stairs. I grasp the bars trying not to fall. I run as fast as I could down the stairs and bounce off the walls. Neymar is going to beat me because he runs all the time, I run ever other week. I bolt out the door and Neymar is turn faced away from me. I run and hope onto his back.
"Woah." He says and turns his head.
"I've had beaten you." He laughs. I frown and pull his hair.
I jump off and stand next to him. We walk out the doors and turn down a small road. We walk about half was and turn into some woods.
"Are we going the right way?" I ask.
"Yeah, I paid to have my own fields private."
We come out the woods and there was a field.
"Wow." I say.
"Yeah. I always say that." He says.
I giggle and grab the ball from Neymar and hand him the gloves. "Your goalie first." I smirk and he looks at me in shock.

What? Never been told to do something before? Ha. I think to myself.

"Ready?" I say.
"No!" He yells and I dribble the ball.
Left or right? Right.
I jump to the left with the ball and shoot to the right upper corner. Neymar jumps for it but misses it and the ball falls into the net.
"You just got owned by a girl!" I laugh.
"Okay really? My turn." Neymar gives me the gloves and runs with the ball down field. I put the gloves on and get ready for his shot.
He runs and shoots the ball to the lower left corner. I dive and push the ball out and Neymar runs for the ball. I stand up and race him. I kick the ball out of the box and Neymar stops and looks at me.
"Damn." He says.
I smile. "Just because your cute, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you score on me."
"But I'm trying to score on your heart." He says.
"Nothing!" He says and runs off for the ball.
Um that was awkward.

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