Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Jessica's POV

I slowly woke up and looked at my phone. Two messages but I decided to read them later. I get up and grab some work out clothes for today's practice. I didn't want to go but I didn't want to be rude.
I have made my choice about America, and I was gonna talk to Jill about it today. I pull my hair into a pony tail and slipped my shoes on. I sigh and grab my bag and head out the door.

Brads car was there and he stood at the end of the car.
"Good morning ms- I mean Jessica." I smile and he nods and I get into the car. Brad starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. I look down at my phone and see that the messages was from Neymar.
"Hey, I talked to a few coachs and they are glad to talk to you whenever you want. Their very, very nice people. And I think your gonna sign with one of them." The first message said.
"Don't worry, just think about it then I'll give you their number so you can set up a meeting with them. Love you<3" the second one said and I smiled. I put my phone into my bag and stare out the window.


I walk into the locker room and the girls stop talking, they all look at me as I place my bag down. I look at them and they quickly turn back around. I roll my eyes and walk back out the locker room.
I walk down the long hallway into the coaches office.
"Hey." I say and Jill stands up.
"Take a sit." She says and sits back down.
"I wanted to talk about the team." I say and she nods.
"It's nothing to do with you, it's just my choice." I pause. "I don't wanna join the team. Alex is a total bitch to me now and the girls don't like me." Jills facial expression changes.
"Why don't you wanna join the team?" She snaps.
"It's to far away from home." I say and she rolls her eyes.
"America is way better than Spain." She says and I go wide eyed.
"America is not better than Spain! You have no idea what your taking about!" I yell and she laughs.
"Sweetie, just because you wanna be with your brother and boyfriend doesn't mean you cant join us."
"I'm not joining you! Got that? I'm out." I say and stand up.
"Haha! Your fault when you come crying back! You don't need your brother and boyfriend! Their going to leave you one day!" She says and I stop at the door way and turn around.
"You know what? I'm gonna join Spain's team, when we go against each other. I'm gonna kick your asses because your all fucking bitches!" I yell and storm out the room. I walk back down the hallway into the locker room. I grab my stuff and walk back out, as I reach the front doors, some one pulls my shoulder and I stumble back.
"Wrong choice." One of the girls says and kicks me in the gut.
I slowly stand up and look at her.
"I'm sorry your stuck with all these whores." I say and punches her right in the face and she falls to the ground. I walk out the doors and walk into the parking lot. Brad was still there, taking to another guy.
"Back so soon?" He ask and I wipe the blood from my fist.
"Take me back to my hotel, I'm leaving tonight." I say and slam the car door close.
I pull out my phone and call Neymar.
"Wow! You called me earlier today! What's up?"
"I told the coach I wasn't gonna sign on the team. Then one of the girls kicked me in the gut but I just punched her and walk away."
"Damn girl, this is why I love you." I laugh and I could sense he was smiling.
"I'm coming home tonight. I don't care if I don't make a flight, I'm coming home."
"I'll wait at the airport all day for you."
"Thank you Neymar."
"You can stay at my place when I pick you up."
"What about Lionel?"
"He won't mind."
"See you then." I hang up and look out the window. I'm sick of America. I understand why my dad didn't want me to leave here, some people are nice. It's pretty here, I just don't like the American womens team. Their all such total bitches and I'm not one, unless you call me one or you mention a lie about Neymar or Lionel. Then I'm gonna be a bitch towards you.


Once we get to the hotel, I quickly run up the long stairs because I didn't want to take the elevator. It just goes too slow.
Once I reach my room, I quickly started packing all my things and moving it all around. I don't think any fights were going into Spain but in gonna try and I don't care how.

I'm gonna make it home.


Don't forget to vote and comment lovelys^-^

I didn't use any songs to help me with this chapter but whatever.

I'm thinking of doing an Oscar fan fiction when I'm almost done with this book. (P.s Neymar will be in that one with Jessica but a little not the whole story)

I'll keep you posted on that when I decide to actually do it ^.^

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