Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Jessica's POV

The plane starts to slowly descend. I clutch the seat and watch the clouds rise again. I exhale and close my eyes.
America. I'm here.

I open my eyes again and look out the window. The cities were huge and beautiful. I smile.

"Was I really born here?" I thought to myself. "How can I be born in such a beautiful place?"

The place lands and I let go of my seat. The airport was hugeee compared to back home. I stare at all the other planes and the people that worked them.

A loud bing rings and everyone stands up and grabs there stuff. I quickly do the same and stand in line to exit the plane.
As I walk towards the exit, the flight attendent stops me. "There is some one to pick you up." She smiles and talks again. "Have fun Ms.Messi." I thank her and follow the people down a long hall into a massive, massive airport. My eyes widen and I try to look at every little thing.
The gift shops were filled by all types of people, the walk ways were crowded by people and their bags. The security guards walk slowly around and the travelers ran past them to get to their plane. I smile and keep walking.
A guy with a sign that said "Jessica Messi" stood by himself next to other people.
"Um, hi. I'm Jessica." I say to the guy and he nods.
"Good afternoon, my name is Brad and I'm taking you to your hotel and tomorrow's training. I picked up all your other bags for you and put them in the car."
"Thank you,Brad." I say and we walk down a few stairs and outside.
A black SUV sat there and brad opened the back door for me. I smile and get in. He runs around and into the drivers seat.

As we travel down busy highways, I admire every building I saw.
Large shopping malls, lots of car dealers. You name it and it would be there. I open my bag and quickly take my phone out. I take few photos and look back out the window.
"This place is amazing!" I say to myself. "No wonder why Lionel doesn't want me to leave."

We arrive at a very,very fancy hotel. Brad gets out the car and opens the door for me. I get out and close the door to see my bags placed in front of the door already and people that worked at the hotel picking them up and waiting for me.
"I'll be back tomorrow at noon." Brad says and gets back into the car.
I walk towards the hotel doors and they slide open and cool air hits my face.
The hotel was most likely a five star hotel.
It's wall were white with gold trimmings, the floor was gravel. The chairs and sofas were amazingly beyond beautiful. I smile and a lady walks up towards me.
The people with my stuff quickly walk up stairs and I stare at them as they walk away.
"Good afternoon, Ms.Messi."
"Just call me Jessica."
The lady nods and hands me a card.
"This is your key to get to your hotel room. It's the top floor all the way down. Hope you enjoy it, a friend of yours wanted you to have this one." She says and walks off. I walk towards the elevator and click the "up" button.
"Who could get my a hotel room?"

I walk down the long hall way until I reach a room. "700." It says but I know there isn't 700 rooms in this hotel. I slide the key into the slot and the door opens.
My eyes widen as I see the beautiful room. The room looked like a vintage room. I smile and walk towards the bed. My stuff was already placed down for me and I smile.
I look at the nightstand to see a note.
I slowly open it and laugh.

"To my princess,
Who deserves the best and will revive the best, hope you enjoy your stay in America.
~ Neymar p.s I love you."

I knew Neymar didn't write the note because the hand writing was too neat. But I still smile at his words because I knew he payed people to do this for him. I lay on the bed and stare at the roof. I sigh and run my hands down the side of the bed. I stand up and start to unpack my bags. I take my bathroom bag into the bathroom and un pack everything in the bag.
I have such a jet lag, I'm moving slower than ever. I just hope it doesn't affect tomorrow. I walk back towards my bed and fall onto it, can I fall asleep now? I look at the clock and sigh. Only seven. Oh well, still going to bed. I slowly get back up and dig though my bag for sleepwear. I quickly slip them on and slide under the blankets on the bed. I pick my phone up and go though my messages with Neymar.
Sometimes I worry about that boy, he has the most random mind I don't know what he thinks about most of the time. It's like he's in his own little world all the time. His last message he sent me in text was "I saw a bird on my car, and I thought it was a bag of chips."
I roll my eyes and decide to text him.
"Hey ney." But then realize there's a time difference. I sigh and put my phone down next to me. I hate time differences, it's so stupid how the sunshines differently everywhere. Then my phone vibrates.
"Hey babe<3"
"Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"I can't sleep. I haven't slept all night because I'm worried."
"Worried about what?"
"You." That word changed my whole view of America. If I have to stay here, how would I see Neymar? He would be in Spain and I'll be here.
"Oh." That's all I could think of. My mind was thinking like crazy. If I left Spain, me and Neymar would have to go our own ways without each other.
"Yeah, but you need to sleep. Good night princess, you need your beauty sleep."
"Okay, good night, love you."
"Love you more." He texts back and I put my phone on the changer and turned it off.

I didn't know that playing for the Americans would be a good and bad thing.

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Songs for this chapter:
That should be me-Justin Bieber
Fix you-coldplay
Girl on fire-Alicia keys

Omgggg Neymar is out of the World Cup bc his back!!! I started crying when he fell to the ground. Guys, my heart broke into millions of tiny pieces bc the guy that hurt him didn't help him at first. -.-

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