Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Neymar's POV

"So in other news, Jessica Messi, Sister of Lionel Messi, has signed a four year contract with The Womens Barcelona team. Do you think she a good fit?" I watch the tv on my phone and sigh. Well, duh she's a good fit.
"I personally don't know, we don't know who she is, how she got here. The only reason why they signed her is because for her brother. She could be really bad for all we know." A guy says and I growl.
"Shut the hell up." I say to the phone and the women laughs.
"Good point, but we have only seen video of her practicing. When she plays her first game, then we will find out. Tune in next time for the highlights of the World Cup ." I put my phone down and shake my head.
They don't know her. They don't know anything. Same thing happened to me, no one knew who I was or where I came from when I first joined Barcelona. The whole team thought I was just some kid from Brazil who got lucky. I stand up and run my hand though my hair before waking outside, the sun shined and I could hear kids playing in the streets.
I walk by two little kids as they started their game. I stood to watch and one of them was very good at his age. They stop and look at me and one smiled.
"You Neymar?" I nod and the kid smile and pick up the ball and pulled a marker from his pocket, kinda strange he had one. But I sign in and he puts the ball to the side and pulls out another, old torn up one.
I smile because it reminds me of my childhood. I make my own footballs but they were plastic bags at the time since my mother and father lost their jobs.
I keep waking and stop at the end of the street.
"Ha, funny to see you here." I turn around and see Lionel walking towards me.
"Who else?" He says and stops next to me.
"Jessica call you?"
"Yup, told me she got number eleven." He pauses and looks at me. "And how she is most likely pregnant with your child." I bite my tongue as he words slowly come out. I turn my head and watch the cars drive by.
"Not mad at you Neymar, just a little disappointed in you. Yes, we talked about this." He says and I nod.
"I'm sorry." I say and turn to look at him. "I screwed up her life, because of my stupid mistake." I say and turn to took away from him.
"We should have waited. Now she's on the team, then a major break and she can't play a game until she is fully recovered. I just screwed up her whole season."
"Don't think like that, she's strong. You don't have to worry about it now, she still has time to play."
"I know but just think about it for a second. She has to go though all the pain just for the kid. I just feel really bad about it now."
I turn and see Lionel just nodding. He looked like he was trying to hold back tears. He looks at me and I could tell he was.
"I-I got to go Neymar." He quickly turns as I see a tear fall and he walks off. I bite my lip and turn and walk back home.
Wow, I just screwed everything up.
Score negative one for team Neymar.

Jessica's POV

I scroll down my twitter and all I could see was hate. All down my page and trending was me.
"Jessica doesn't deserve to be on Barcelona."
"Her brother just made her get on the team so he could cheer her up."
"Wow, what a slut. Just wants attention from Neymar and the media."
I shake my head and throw my phone across the room. I was sick and tired of all this. People have to understand what I go though just to be at this point in my life.
I roll my eyes and slide out of my bed covers. I moan as the cold air hits my legs and I slowly make my way downstairs.
Tina wanted me to go out with her today, said she wanted to go shopping with me. But I really didn't feel like going.
A knock on the door makes me sigh and open it.
"Hey girl!" Tina pauses and looks me up and down. "Please tell me your not wearing that out today."
"I've been in bed all day."
"Girl, you need a shower. Damn." She hold her nose and laughs. "I'm just kidding, please go get ready."
"I just came down the stairs."
"You go in the shower, I'll get your clothes."
"Fine." I huff and make my way up the stairs again.
"Thanks for getting my clothes." I say and walk out the bathroom. She picked out my Neymar Barcelona jersey and a pair of black jeans, how creative. She smiles and hands me my shoes and my phone.
"Neymar called. I answered saying you were in the shower. He didn't sound so happy."
"Because I'm not in Brazil." I say and place my shoes on before grabbing my phone from her hand.
"I guess." She says and I nod.
"Let's go!" She said and runs down the stairs. I roll my eyes and slowly walk down the stairs.
"God, took you long enough." She said and walks out the door. I sigh and close the door behind me.

The shopping trip took way longer than I thought. I was hoping for just three hours, it lasted six.
Tina made me try on almost everything at one really fancy shop. We sent about three thousand dollars, and she payed for it all. I don't know how she got the money but it was all for me, which was strange but she said I deserved it.
"No, really why are you buying me all this?"
"Some one told me too." She said as she picks up the bags from the ground and puts them in the car.
"Who." She laughs and looks at me.
"Who else?"
"Duhhhh, he called me earlier today. I don't know how he got my number but he told me to take you shopping." She said and closes the back door.
"I don't know, I said yes and hung up on him. He said he would pay me back later." She gets in the car and I roll my eyes. How could Neymar pay for all of this? Like, I know he makes a lot of money but still. He needs to learn how to not spend so much before he loses it all one day.
"Call him now." Tina says and I nod. I slowly click his name and it starts to call him. "Speaker phoneee." She whispers and I hit her on her arm.
"Hey." Neymar says.
"Hey, Tina told me."
"Dammit. She wansnt suppose too."
I look at her and I could tell she heard him say that.
"Well it's nice of you but you shouldn't."
"I just wanted to do something nice."
"I know and it is. And I love you for doing it, I just didn't need all this now."
"Oh sorry."
"Don't be. It's okay, and I got you something too."
"Really?!" His voice was high pitched and I laugh.
"Yes, now I got to go. Bye."
"Byeeee." I hang up and look back at Tina. She looks at me and smiles before looking back at the road. I roll my eyes and stare out the window.
"But did you have fun?" She ask and I laugh.
"Of course! You were drooling over that one guy."
"Hey! At least I got his number, he actually looks like Ibrahim afellay, I guess you don't know him but he plays for the Netherlands. I think he plays for Barcelona too."
"He does. I've seen him once." She smiles and I laugh because I was lying to her. I've never heard of him, or have I?
She turns the car into my drive way and she quickly gets out of the car.
"I'll help you with the bags!" She grabs like six of them and heads inside. I grab the last five and close the car door and head inside myself.

Neymar's POV

I fiddle with my computer until I see Jessica get on skype.
"Hey." She says and waves.
"Hey beautiful!" I say and she blushes.
"Oh stop it."
"You should show me what you got."
"Want me to a fashion show?"
"Why not?" I say and she laughs. She nods and runs off. I smile as I see her grab a bag and run across the camera again.
She comes back and she has a long vanilla dress on. It had long sleeves and she turned around and you could see her back. She turns back around and smiles.
"Outfit One." She says and runs back off.
"Outfit twenty!" She says and it was simple actually. She had skinny jeans on with a crop top with an infinity sign on it. I could tell she loved it by the way she looked down at it.
"That's it." She said and sits down.
"I liked the dress, the white one with little flowers on it."
"Haha, it makes me feel like a little kid again." She said and smiles.
"That's why I love it."
"Oh Neymar." She shakes her head. "What am I going to do with you?"
"Marry me one day." She laughs and I laugh with her.
"That's a long way away sweetheart."
I wish it wasn't.
"I know but still." I say and she rolls her eyes. She yawns and rubs her eyes.
"I'm tired. So I'm going to bed now. I love you so much Neymar."
"I love you too Jessica." She smiles and I wave her off. She leaves and I turn my computer off. I sigh and stand up.
I pick up a small box I had and slowly open it. I got her a charm bracelet with ours names on it. It was small and smile but she thinks it was a expensive, but it is to me.
*Skips to day Jessica comes back(:*

"Neymar!!!" Jessica yells and runs into my arms. I hug her tight and she pulls back and plants a kiss on my cheek.
"I have to get my bags." She says and points to about seven bags.
"Damn." I say and she rolls her eyes.
"I had more but decided not to bring my laptop." She says and picks up three of the bags. She smiles and walks off. My jaw was dropped the whole time, how do you pack that many bags? I shake my head and pick up the rest of her bags and head towards the parking lot.
"I've missed you." I say and place the bags in the car.
"I've missed you too!" She says and wraps her arms around me. She smiles and bites her lip. I laugh and kiss her forehead and let her go so she could get in the car. She buckled in and rolls down the window.
"Ah, I've missed Brazil." She says and I pull the car out of the airport.
I had to admit, she had gotten a little more pale than usual. I guess from the lack of sun in Spain. But it's sunny in the summer so I don't understand. Maybe she isn't feeling well.

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Songs for this chapter;
Turn turn your face: Little Mix
More than this: One direction
Vienna: Billy Joel

Omg so next chapter I'm skipping to two days before the Brazil vs Columbia game :D

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