Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Jessica's POV

We all get off the bus and stand around talking to each other. But as for me, I didn't talk to anyone. I stood there alone and wanting to leave, now.
"I'll catch you guys later!" Lionel says and we walk towards are car.
"Have fun at the game?" He asks and I nod. Other than I broke me arm in a bus crash, it was a good day.
Lionel starts the car and we drive off into the mist of the morning. I didn't believe Neymar didn't talk to me at all. "Do you know what's wrong with Neymar?" I ask and Leo nods.
"Tell me?"
He shakes his head. "I can't. It's a surprise." He smiles
Oh? So Neymar isn't mad at me? At least that makes me a bit happier.

I walk into my room as set my bag on my bed and start to unpack.
"Jessica!!! Phone for you!!" Lionel yells and I roll my eyes. I pick up the home phone and press line one.
"Yes, hello Jessica. I'm the team manger for the U.S womens soccer team. I'm sorry to here about your accident. But your going to sent here next week. No matter what your condition is. When you start your first day, we will explain what you can do for now until your ready to go." He says.
"Yes sir. I understand, but what day?"
"Your leave Sunday. We already bought your tickets for you, so you just walk up the the counter at the airport and say your name and the lady will hand you your ticket."
"Thank you sir."
"See you Monday, Jessica Messi." He says and hangs up. I put the phone down and start to finish unpacking.
I was ready for a nap. I didn't sleep at all on the way back. I guess Neymar just wanted a break since he just finished his game.
I walk down the stairs and put my clothes in the washer.
"Hey Jessica. When you leave for America, I have practice so you have to go by yourself."
"Can't you talk to your coach?"
I frown and walk into the living room.
Yeah, it's the middle of the week and I had four days until I leave. I sit in the couch and turn on the tv.
It was the sports channel and me and Lionel were being shown.
"Lionel messi and his little sister leave the training center today after a very harsh three days. Rumors are running wild as they say his sister is going to America for the Womens soccer team." I roll my eyes and keep watching. Everything on this time of day was the news and nothing really serious happen. Leo walks in and I wave. He smiles and sits next to me.
"I don't want you going to America." He says and I tilt my head.
"Why not?"
He sighs and looks at the ground.
"Because, if they like you. They are going to want you to stay in America and go to there games and stuff." He says and looks at me. "It would be good for you but I'm not ready for my little sister to grow up just yet."
"Aw Leo." I say and wrap my arms around him. "I'll always be your little sister, but something's I have to do, I have to grow up. I don't want to leave but this could be good for me in the future you know?"
"Yeah, I know but. It's okay, I'll get over it." He says and I smile.
"I love you Lionel." I say and he smiles.
"I love you too Jessica."
I stand up and walk up the stairs. I know Leo loves me, but it's getting over that's bugging me. He's not going to get over me leaving him. He always worry a when I go with my friends somewhere. He's just a little, over protective I guess. Just a little.

I walk into my room and my phone starts to go off. I look down and it's a text message from neymar.
"Don't go to America babe." He says.
"But your going to brazil." I reply and he doesn't answer right away. I shake my head and put my phone back on the charger.
Of course Neymar doesn't want me to go to America, he doesn't want me leaving any where. But he's going to brazil, so I can leave too. I could get a job in America and make good money off this. I can't get a job here because Leo doesn't want me to work here because it's better other places then home. I sit on my floor and go though old books I had as a child.
Pictures of me and Leo as kids with mom and dad. One picture is me and Leo in the pool. I had little floaties on because I looked about three years old. I smile and set the pictures down.
"We were so happy." I whisper to myself and frown.
I stand up and put the pictures on my dresser. I walk into my closet and take out a soccer ball I kept in there. It was still in it's box, clean and brand new. I take the ball out and place it to my side. I sit down and take my cleats out that Neymar gave me. I put them on and took the ball and walked down stairs. I go though the kitchen door into our back yard. We had one goal and it took up most of the yard, but I still had space to run and work on my skills. I place the ball down and lift it back up with my foot and juggled. After the four jungle, the ball was in the air and I high kicked it into the top right corner of the net.
I'm okay at football, I just need practice and work on a lot of things.
"You shouldn't be playing if you arm in broke." A voice says and I turn to see Neymar sitting on the back steps.
"How did you get in here?" I say and he laughs.
"Leo just let me in, he said you were upstairs but I knew that was a lie." He says and I roll my eyes.
"But you got some tricks thou. Just when the balls in the air, don't use the your right foot right after you just jungled the ball so kick with the left." He says and I smile.
"Okay." I laugh. He smiles and I kick the ball into the goal again.
"Don't use you toe." He says and I shake my head.
"Your not my coach." I say.
"Well, going to America, they do a lot of sports over there so you have to be good."
"I am good, I have a broke arm right now."
"You don't use your arms in football."
I roll my eyes and pick up the ball and throw it at Neymar. He heads it back to me and I stop it. "Nice try." He says.
"I'm leaving Sunday."
"I'll take you to the airport." He says and I shake my head.
"You have practice, I know because Lionel said."
Neymar pouts like a little girl and I laugh.
"Don't use that face." I say and he stands up.
"I can use that face if I want to." He says and wraps his arms around me.
"Haha, no. You look like a cat that's caught in a power line." I say and he laughs.
"Oh well." He says and puts his forehead on mine. "At least in your car that stuck in a power line." I roll my eyes and he kisses my cheek and let's me go.
"I have to go meet up with iniesta today for a lunch or something like that. I don't know but we're meeting up." He says and I nod.
"Okay, I'll be here." I say and kick the ground. He laughs.
"Let's go inside. It looks like it's gonna rain." I say and he nods. I pick up the ball and we head inside right before the rain.
"I'll be right back." I say and he nods. I go up the stairs and throw the ball into my room and quickly take off my cleats and put them right by my door and run back down the stairs.
I walk back into the kitchen and smile.
"Want a water?" I ask.
"No I'm good. But thank you." He says and I nod.
"Hey, have you seen my training shorts?" Leo ask.
"Um yeah. I washed them yesterday so they should be in the dyer." Leo nods and walks off.
"So, hey. I got to go but I'll see you before you leave for America." He says and kisses my forehead.
"Bye." I say and he waves. He walks out the door and I sigh.

I really didn't want him to leave.


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