Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I couldn't sleep. I stared out the window and ate my snacks. I sigh and look at my phone. I was so bored and tired but couldn't sleep.
"Hey princess." Neymar whispers. I look and he was awake.
"Hey." I say.
"Have a nice nap?"
"I didn't sleep at all."
"Aw babe. It's okay, now you can talk to me." He says.
I smile.
"I read your text message." I say and blush.
"Did you text back?" He ask.
"No, but I will now."
I start typing and smile.

I say;

"Dear Neymar. Your the sweetest guy I've ever meet and the best football player I've ever dated. I never dated a football player. But your words are just so sweet and caring, I don't know what life would be like right now without you. And I love you too. Yeah I understand Leo,he's just a little to protective to me. And my life has changed completely. I'm not messi's little baby sister now. I've grown now since you came though my window. It was a message sent from above.
Neymar, I love you my prince."

I look at him as he reads the message and His face didn't stop smiling.
He looks at me and kisses me on the forehead. I blush and hold his hand.
"Don't leave me. Ever. Please." I say and he laughs.
"I'll never leave you until the world ends." He says and kisses my hand.
I smile and look out the window. Does he really love me? Or he's faking it. I don't know. I don't wanna know.
"Jessica." He says.
I turn and he turns he's head.
"I wanna tell you." He pauses and looks at me.
"That, no matter what happens next. You won't forget me right?"
"I would never forget you. Ever." I say and he smiles.
He looks at me as his eyes fill with tears.
"If we break up one day, and probably won't but I just want you to remeber every second we spend together."
"We're not gonna break up. At least not for a while. We can do long distance and other stuff but we won't so don't think about it. Please?" I beg and he nods.
He leans in and places his hands on my cheeks.
"I love you. No matter what. Even if we die, I'll still love you in heaven. Or hell." He kisses me and this time, I don't pull back.
Neymar saying this to me is making me. One day we could be apart. I might move to America and help them and Neymar would stay here, playing football on his dream team. Him telling me about life would be like without him sounds bad. I can't live without him. If I never went to the practice and played football with them.
What if I never wanted to play and just stay home and do nothing?
What if Lionel never wanted to play?
I can't think like this. I need to stop thinking like this.
The tears roll down my face and Neymar pulls back.
"Are you okay?"
"I need to use the restroom." I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I close and lock the door. I turn the light on and stare in the mirror. What am I doing? Crying in front of Neymar on a bus. I can't. I need to stop. But the tears keep falling. I slide to the floor and crawl in the corner. I pull my hair back and pretend to smile. I can't.
I don't want to lose Neymar now. At first I didn't care but now. I love him. I can't lose him. If I leave for America and stay there. I'll die. I don't want to lose him. Please.
I stand up and wipe my tears. I walk out of the bathroom and crawl over Neymar again. I sit and stare out the window.
"Babe." He whispers.
I stare out the window. As he grabs my head softly and turns me.
"Stop. Your gonna make me cry." I laugh and he smiles.
"Just go to sleep." I nod and lay my head on his shoulder.
As I fall he sleep he whispers in my ear.
"I love you princess."
And I fall asleep.

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