Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Jessica's POV

I sat at the doctors office and fiddled with my fingers. "Jessica, don't worry." My bestfriend said. I felt bad I haven't seen her in forever. I look at Tina and she was all smiles while I on the other had, had no emotion. I was scared, what if I can't have kids? I can't think about that now.
"Jessica messi?" The nurse says and I stand up. Tina stands up too and we follow the nurse Into the doctors office.
"Good morning Jessica, have a seat." He says and me and Tina sit next to each other.
God, I'm so scared.

Neymar's POV

Why isn't she answering my calls or texts? I hope she's sleeping or a practice. I sigh and put my phone in my locker, I take off my shirt and look over and see Marcelo dancing to one of the songs playing. He looked like a gorilla dancing, the way his hands were up make him look like that. I laugh and slip my training clothes on.
"Hey Neymar, why so down?" Julio Cesar ask and I shrug.
"I'm fine."
"That's the biggest lie I've ever heard from you! Your always smiles and laughs."
"My girlfriend, she isn't answering me and I'm just worried."
"Don't be, she's fine. She's strong." He says and pats my back. I nod as he walks away and I tie my cleats. She's strong, yeah she is. But her not answering me is what's bugging me. She always answers right away, no matter where and when, she does.
I walk out of the locker room and coach was standing there.
"Hey Neymar!" He says and I nod at him.
"Next practice, make sure you bring your girlfriend. She's really good." I laugh and nod.
"Yes sir." I say and run down the hallway to the outside doors.

"My hips don't lie!" David Luiz laughs and try's to belly dance like shakira. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"What Neymar? Got a problem with me?" He says and points at me.
"I think shakira is better than you."
"Take that back!" He yells and I shake my head.
"That hurts my feelings." He says and walks to the showers. I shrug and pull put out my phone. Jessica called once and that's all.
I decided to call back and she finally answered.
"Hello?" She says.
"Why haven't you answered me all day?"
"I've been out with Tina." She says.
"Oh I was just calling to see what you were doing today."
"I went to the mall and lunch. I'm home now."
"Okay. I'll call you later, love you."
"Love you too." I hang up and put my phone down.
"Some one was worried about his baby." Fred says and I nod.
"I'm not gonna lie, I was."
"It showed at practice." I hit Fred in the arm and he rolls his eyes. "I'm just kidding." He walks away and I sit down. When I was talking to Jessica, she sounded like she was holding back something, like a secret to tell me.

Jessica's POV

I sat on the sofa and flipped though the tv channels.
I can't tell Neymar yet, not yet.
I sigh and turn the tv off and lay down. The doctor told me I could be pregnant, just give it a few more days and come back to run some more blood test to see if I was positive.
But most likely, I am.
I wanted to keep it a secret from Neymar, yet he knows I am but he just doesn't know if he's right or wrong. I stand up and walk to the fridge and dig though it, we didn't have much since we always ate at a dinner or brought pizza home. I look though the cabinets and just grab a bag of chips and sit back down before eating.
My phone goes off and I look down to see it was a text.
"Hey Princess! I have a surprise for you! But your not here in Brazil so you can't know what it is yet :D" Neymar texted me and I roll my eyes.
"Just send me a picture of it or skype me."
"But I can't, you have to see it yourself!"
"Please tell me you didn't by me expensive things."
"Okay I did! Gosh your so smart. I got to go byeee."
I put my phone down and start eating my chips again. I hated when he bought me stuff that cost a lot, I'm not that type of person to accept stuff like that and he knows it.

"So." Coach says and I wiggle in my seat. "Your jersey came in today."
"Yay!" I say and he puts a box on the table. I couldn't believe this was actually happening, me, getting a real jersey with a real team. He slides the box to me and I slowly open it, the logo was all I could see and I close my eyes and I slowly pull it out.
I open my eyes and flip it over.
"Yay! Number eleven. Just like Neymar's." I say and he just shrugs.
"That's what the staff agreed on and we knew you wouldn't like it to be ten, since Lionel."
"I'm fine with this!" I say and slip it over my training clothes. It felt like a dream coming true, my home team has agreed to put me on their team. It's Unbelieveable. I smile and slowly take it off and place it back in the box.
"This is amazing." I say and he nods.
"Now, go get ready for practice!" He says and I grab the box and run down to the locker room. How am I gonna tell Lionel or Neymar? I should do it at the same time, or tell Lionel before Neymar or the other way around. I don't know. I'll just post it on Instagram so they can find out whenever.

Neymar's POV

The beaches of rio were quiet, due to that it has been raining a while now. But I didn't mind it, just made me think about life right now. How I'm going to be a father and play football with Barcelona while helping my child grow up. Just thinking about the future worrys me a little, if I lose Jessica again. It's gonna be hard on the child because he or she doesn't know what's going on. But I'm not going to lose her, ever again. I lost her once and my world fell apart, I rather that not happen again. I kick the sand and sigh. That was the worst couple of days of my life, other than my dog dying but still sad.
My phone buzzes and I ignore it and keep waking. I was sure it was Oscar telling me something stupid or something like that. I decided to look at it and it was Jessica.
"I've got great news for you(:"
"Tell me."
"We'll, I got my jersey today."
"Oh good! Number?"
"Are you serious?!?"
She sends me a picture of it and I smile. Wow, she's got the same number as me, but Lionel's gonna be pissed off about this.
"Did you tell Lionel?"
"Was about too."
"Good, cause I'm not doing it."
"Okay whatever." I could tell she was laughing at home.
"And I've got something else for you."
Oh no.
"Okay tell."
"I went to the doctors today." She didn't finish the text. I waited but I guess she got nervous to tell me.
"What happened?"
"Um. I'm suppose to go back in a couple of days to do blood test, but he said that he was almost one hundred percent sure I am." I bite my lip and put my phone back in my pocket.
I really just need a moment to take this all in, just knowing your becoming a father is a lot to take in.
I'm ready for this.
Surely I am since I wanted to be for a long time now. But it's mind blowing it's actually happening to me. Knowing me and Jessica are staring a family together, the best thing.
Next thing, figure out when and where I'll ask Jessica to marry me. But that's a while away.
I decided to head home, since the rain started to drizzle down and I didn't wanna get stuck in the storm.
As I walk down the streets, I hear people saying "that's Neymar." Or "no way, that's not him." I put my hoodie on and keep my head low and walk fast as possible.
I make it home and slam the door close and take my hoodie off, I throw it on a chair and walk to my room. I need some sleep, just a hour or two. I slide under the covers and turn the light off. I stare at the pillow for a while before actually falling asleep.

"Davi!" Jessica yells and little David runs to her and she scoops him in her arms.
"Time to go to daddy's game." She says and slips a little Barcelona jersey over his head and davi giggles, just like her.
"Come on Neymar! Don't want to be late to your own game!" Jessica yells and I run down the stairs and kiss her on the cheek.
"Had to charge my phone."
"Let's go!" She says and davi giggles again. Jessica brushes his hair a little before handing him his juice box. I smile as we exit the house.
"Go daddy!" I hear davi yell at me as Jessica and David start to leave the field. I smile and turn to Lionel who was smiling.
"You did good." He said and pats my back. I nod and we line up to play.

Jessica's pov

I played on my phone and finally got a response from Lionel.
That's it? Wow? Wow, out of all words in the world Lionel chose wow. I roll my eyes and put my phone down.
Sometimes he wasn't the smartest, but all I know is that when he's in the field. He isn't my brother anymore.
He's Lionel Messi, the legend of football. His mind is switched to a different mind set and sometimes he actually forgets my name.
I guess right now, he's bored and lacking sleep. He's not the smartest person if he doesn't have eight hours of sleep. I lay down on my bed and stare at the roof. Sometimes, when he got home from his games. He acted like I was never there, that he was alone and still focused on the game, either win or loss. He always focused on the game then on other things. I remember my dad telling him that "the game is never over. That life is the game too." I never understood my dad's quotes, but Lionel did. I asked what they ment and Lionel would tell me "your find out one day." And that day never came. My stomach growled and I grabbed it in pain. I don't know if it's signs or if I'm hungry, but I just ate. I turn my body and my fist tighten together and my stomach finally stopped hurting, a lot but it still did.
I sigh and look at my phone.
"I'm happy you got that number." Lionel texted and I sigh. Little late for that brother of mine. I push my phone off the bed and watch it fall onto the carpet.
I look out the window and smile. I remember the day that Neymar came though that window, just to see me. I giggle and look at my pillow.
The pain, it hurts. I'm going to have hell with this baby.
I can tell already.
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Two things
1: James Rodriquez is now on Real Madrid, oh snap. Their getting good people now, but Barcelona is wayyyy better.
2: to all the one direction fans; Happy four years of one direction :D

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