Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Jessica's POV

Well today's the day. I'm going to America. I've never been before so it's going to be exciting for me, even thou I still have my cast on. I walk into the kitchen and see Lionel standing there.
"I-I have to tell you something." He stutters.
"So, mom. She wasn't your real mom, it was your step mom."
I think for a second and look at him.
"Then, who's my mom?"
"She died after you were born. We went to visit you because dad wanted to see you. Because you are is daughter."
"I don't understand." I say and he looks at me.
"So, everything has been a lie? Everything I've done with mom, or your mom. It was a lie."
"No! Wait, yes."
I pull my hair back and stare at the floor. I don't get it. Why would they lie to me about my real mom?
"Who was she." I say.
"She,she was an American women. We went to America so see you."
My eyes tear up and I run out the room. I slam the door open and run out the house.
"Jessica!" Lionel yells but I was already down the drive way. I didn't stop running, I kept running until three streets away from my house. I stop and sit on the walk way.
Everything I've done has been a lie? My mom didn't want me, she gave me to dad so she wouldn't have to deal with me. I wipe the tears and pull out my phone. I had three hours until my flight, luckily I had everything ready before I ran out. I put my phone back down and play with the grass.
"Why would she not want me?" I say to myself.
"Jessica!" Lionel says and runs down to me. I stare at the ground as he comes up to me.
"Please come back home, I have to go to practice-"
"Is that all you care about?!" I cut him off. "You just want to go to practice so you can be better? You just want to drop me off and the airport now so you have more time to practice.
"Jessica, I would never."
I roll my eyes and stand up.
"Plus, Neymar is taking me. So go now." I say and walk away from him.
"The reason why I never told you is because dad told me to never say anything. But Neymar found out that your more American." He yells and I turn down the street. I pull out my phone and call Neymar.
"Hey princess."
"I need to talk to you."
"Okay? What's up?"
"Leo said something about me being American. And said you found out."
"Yeah last night actually. I was wondering why the American team would want you if your not American."
My eyes widen.
"But I'm not."
"I guess you are, if they want you then you gotta be American to play on the U.S. Team."
"Come pick me up for the airport in an hour."
"But that's early."
"I don't care."
"Bye, I love you."
"Love you too princess."
I hang up and keep walking.
All I want to know is why Lionel took years to tell me this, it's like I'm a toy to him. And he's almost out grown the toy.

I walk into the house and close the door. The house was colder than usual and smelled like bananas, and we don't have bananas. I shake my head and walk up the stairs into my room. I pick up my bags and drag them in front of my door. I walk towards my closet and stop in front of my mirror.
"I wonder what she looked like." I say. I push my hair behind my ears and turn and sit on my bed.
In half a hour Neymar will be picking me up, but I want him to pick me up now. I stare at the wall and frown.
"Why do I always look at you?" I say to the wall. But it says nothing.
"Great, now I'm talking to a wall. This is great." I say and stand up and pick up my bags in front of the door, I drag them down the stairs and into the living room. I turn and see Lionel's cleats missing.
"He's at practice." I roll my eyes as I say that. I sit on the couch and turn on the tv.

Neymar's POV

I turn my car into Jessica's driveway and turn the car off. I quickly get out and run to her front door. I fix my hair and knock in the door.
Jessica opens the door and smiles.
"Hey." She says.
I nod and she steps back so I can walk in.
"How many bags?" I ask and she laughs.
"Damn, are you serious?" I joke with her and she looked like she wasn't in the mood. Probably Mother Nature is visiting her.
"Come on, you have to get to practice." She says and I nod and pick up her bags.
We walk towards the car and she gets in. I walk around and open the back of the car and place the bags in. I run and open the drivers door and get in.
"Hungry?" I ask as I buckle myself in.
"A little." She says and I pull out.
"So what's up?"
"Nothing." She lies and I shake my head.
"Please tell me."
"Nothing, it's just me and Lionel not getting along. I'm just ready to move out once I get a real job."
"You could live with me." I say and I could feel she was staring at me.
"Are you crazy?"
"Yeah, but your crazy too. So wanna get married in a mental hospital?" I say and she starts laughing.
"What? It was a serious question?" I say and look at her. She was smiling and shaking her head.
"I don't know if I could. We haven't bee dating that long and Lionel would hate me." She says. I shake my head and turn the car down another road.
"Don't listen to him. Yeah he's your brother but still, your an adult. You make your own choices now." I say.
"Yeah, I don't know. I'll think about it, but it's a maybe."
"Please. It would be the right move." I wink but she probably didn't see it.
"Your funny." She says and I stick my tongue out at her. She rolls her eyes and looks out the window.
Her hair was pulled back and wavier than usual. She didn't have any makeup on and she was just in a simple white dress. I bite my lip and look back at the road.
I love her. Each time I see her I fall harder and harder each time. She's everything I ever wanted in a girl, she does care about her looks and she can play football. She doesn't care about her weight, she cares about her brother. She loves football, not jeans. Jessica is perfection to me. Yes, other girls try to get my attention but I never seemed to be very into them. But once I saw her, every thing changed. My whole way if seeing things changed. The whole world changed, because she is my world.

I turn into the airport and parked right in front of the door. We both get out and I grab her bags. We walk inside and I place them down in a small cart.
"So, this is it?" I say and she frowns.
"For now." She says and I look at her. Her eyes were tearing up and she turns her head.
"Don't cry. I'll see you in a week."
"I know. But it's after that's making me upset." She says and I grab her hands.
"Don't worry." I say and she smiles.
I pull her closer and wrap my arms around her. She was so small and fragile to hold, so I was scared if I hug her to tight she might break.
"I don't wanna go." She says.
"Go. This is your moment." I say and kiss her lips.
They were soft and I felt a chill role down my spine. I could tell people were watching but I didn't care. Once I go to brazil she might not come. So I just want this moment with her. She needs a motivation so play. I'm giving her one right now.
She pulls back and rests her head on my chest.
"I love you." She says and I nod.
"I love you too."
She looks up and smiles. I let her go and she grabs her bags. She starts to walk off and turns back around. I wave and she frowns. She turns back around and walks towards the counter.
I turn around and walk to my car.
I slowly get in and place my head in the steering wheel. One by one the tears fell and I didn't move.
She was leaving.
But only for a week.
America is going to love her. So she's gonna have to stay. And I wouldn't be able to see her again. I didn't want her to leave. But she needs this. I look up and start the car. I wipe the tears left in my face and pull out.

I just have to face the fact that she is going to be miles away, alone. She isn't going to last a day. But she's strong enough.
Only if I was as strong as her, emotionally.

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I'm going to tell you all the songs I listen too that helps me write the chapters.

Find your love-Drake
I do it all for you-soMo
Cannonball-little mix
How to save a life-The Fray

I'm going to change a few things in the first chapters so people can leave me alone bc in still getting messages that I'm copying so I'll change things about.
I'll just change that Lionel doesn't care about Neymar and Jessica dating.

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