Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Chapter 1: The New Girl


I slam the snooze button on my alarm clock, my heart still racing from the shock. Today was going to be my first day at my new high school. Last year I moved here from California, because my dad had received a new job with great pay. With all the money, he decided to put me in the best boarding school in the state, Florida High Boarding School. To be honest, I was very far from ready,

but what could I do? I frantically rummaged through my closet, searching for the perfect outfit. A white lace shirt, jeans, and my tie-up boots. Perfect.

"Levin! Hurry up dear! We have to get you to the airport if you want to make it to school in time to unpack and get ready for your first day!" My dad hollered.

"I'm coming" I say bolting down the stairs, nearly tripping on the final step.

About an hour or so later, we arrive at the airport where we say our goodbyes.

"I'll see you during winter break, Levin!" My dad says while waving goodbye.

This was going to be a long ride.


Two hours later, i arrive at the Florida High Boarding School. People here sure seem stuck up, i thought as I tried to figure out where the office was.

Suddenly, i feel a person run into me. Ow, that hurt.

"Hey watch where you're goin-"

"Oh i am so sorry! Hi, Im Isabelle." a short, dark haired, freckled girl says.

"No it's alright. Say, um Isabelle, you wouldn't happen to know where the office was...would you?" I say.

"Oh yeah, of course! You must be new here! I will show you the way."

I follow her through the courtyard and down a long hallway.

"Here it is!" Isabelle says joyfully "if you need anything else just let me know. I'm always around."

With that, she waves and walks back through the hallway. Okay. Now I just have to find the Junior Year councilor. Just then, a large woman wearing a blue shirt and a matching pencil skirt walks out.

"Do you need help?" the women says.

"Yes, are you by any chance the junior councilor?" The woman nods. I ask her for my course card and boarding room number. Along with this she hands me a blue and white uniform. Great. Uniforms.

"Thank you for your assistance." I say with a smile, as I head off on my quest to find my home for the rest of the year. I better get a good roommate. Room 207. 207...207-

Ow. Ugh, again?

"Hey, I'm sorry about that I should pay more attention to where I am going" i mumble, gathering my things that dropped on the floor.

"No problem." I look up to see who I ran into. A blonde, blue eyed boy, with the most built arms I've ever seen.

"I uh, i g-g-gotta get going. See you around?" I stutter.

"Yeah see you around." The boy replies smiling.

I turn on my heel and walk off down the hall. I swear he is staring at me. Man, he looks nice...ugh Levin stop! There are more important things right now. Just keep moving.

Finally after a long time of searching I arrive at my dorm, open the door and see that two girls are inside, unpacking. The tall girl with brown hair took the big single bed. It is blue with green pillows, leaving the dark haired girl and I with the bunk beds which are a sky blue color. Great, I get the bottom bunk. I should've gotten here earlier! I head over to the bunk bed and tap the girl who is unpacking. She turns around and screeches.

"Hey, it's you!" Isabelle yells.

"Oh hi! It's nice to see a familiar face! By the way, my name is Levin."

"Levin, that's pretty. Have you met our roommate yet? Her name is Jennifer." I look over at the tall girl with dirty-blonde curled hair "she's a bit...shy" Isabelle whispers.

I nod and begin to unpack. After about twenty minutes I finish and sit down on the bed. Man, i'm tired! Just as I begin to close my eyes, i am interrupted by Isabelle.

"Hey we might want to get into our uniforms." She shakes me, making sure I'm awake, " the 'first day of school' assembly is starting at 7:30 am and it's already 7:27! Hurry!"

The two of us dart across the room removing and throwing articles of clothing wherever and replacing them with the drab school uniforms. I stumble over Isabelle's shoe. We finish changing in a record breaking time, 50 seconds and run out of our room and into the commons for the assembly. By the time we get there, the meeting has already started and I have to struggle to catch my breath.

"Im pleased to say that this year we have 5 new students joining us. I would appreciate it if you can treat them nicely and welcome them to our school. Also i hope you are all pleased with your new roommates this year. Lastly, football and cheer tryouts will be this afternoon. Okay now I'm not going to keep you from unpacking and such, so I will let you all go. See you tomorrow, for your first day in class!" Principal Jones announces.

Everybody starts spreading like bees,meeting up with friends, and heading off to enjoy their last day of summer. I scan the crowd, looking for Isabelle. Where in the world did that girl go? She has got to be here somewhere-

Ow! Oh, hello wall. Nice to see you. Ugh, why am I always running into things? I drop to the ground, angry, trying to pick up my things. Ugh, where did my lip gloss go? I crawl around the floor, frantically, rummaging for it. Come on, it couldn't have just disappeared! Then, I see a tall shadow lingering over me. Great, someone saw. This is embarrassing.

"Is this...uh, yours?" A familiar voice asks as I get up.

"Oh" I laugh "Yeah thanks." I look up to see the cute boy from yesterday handing me my lip balm. Oh, it's him.

"Hey. I can't help but notice every time I see you, you're either falling down or bumping into things. My name's Josh, and what is your name, blondie?"

"Levin" I reply.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" Josh says and I feel my cheeks go red.My knees start to wobble.

"Thanks." I say, my voice a bit too shaky.

"So, there's gunna be a party at my house tonight at 10:00. How about you bring your gorgeous self over there? All your friends can come too."

"Sounds good." I say, jittery from excitement.

"So far today, I have been asked out by a cute guy AND I have a new best friend.", I thought, impressed with myself.

"Okay, I'll see you later." He says and walks away.


Ruthless Game: Highschool SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now