Chapter 23: A Date with Destiny

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Chapter 23: A Date with Destiny

I arrive at the dance with Isabelle's arm linked with mine. Not long after, Alexander arrives.

"Hey. Mind if I steal her?" Alex asks jokingly.

"Go ahead Alex." Isabelle says and then she yanks Alex towards her. "But hurt her and I break you."

Alex laughs nervously. "I promise I won't hurt her."

With that said, Alex wraps his arm around my waste and leads me over to the punch table.

"Want some?" He asks.

"Yes please."

He hands me the punch. I take a sip.

"So..." I trail off.

"So?" Alex asks.

We laugh. Even moments like this, make me love him. I give him a slight peck on the cheek and he returns the favor. For a while we stand there like that. Just staring at each other. The silence feels good. I can just feel the sparks flying.

"Hello FHBS students! Welcome to the 2014 Spring Formal! For this song, we'd like you to grab that special somebody and pull them onto the dance floor." The DJ says as he puts a disc in his laptop.

I look over at Alex, who's eyes are sparkling. He really is amazing.

"May I have this dance?" He asks.

"Alexander. You know I can't dance." I say matter-of-factly.

"Levin. I don't care. I've waited forever for this. May I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may." I say, allowing him to take me by the hand and drag me over to the dance floor.

He puts his good arm on my waste and I put my arms around his neck. We move side to side to the rhythm of the song. It felt enchanting. I loved it so much, but I probably stepped on his foot a billion times.

"How's your arm doing?" I ask.

"Good. I checked with the doctor like you told me. It's not broken."

"Good." I say.

"Lev-" Alex is interrupted when Isabelle runs over to us, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my gosh. Isa what's wrong?" We ask.

"Destin he just left with......Rachel. He cheated...on me." Isabelle stutters in between tears.

I gasp as I pull her into a hug. Why would Destin do that? Why would Rachel do that? This doesn't make any sense. She cries into my shoulder. Alex looks just as shocked as me.

"Let me go get some tissues for you, okay? Alex will be here. It's all going to be okay." I whisper to her.

I rush into the girl's bathroom and grab some tissues. As I am exiting the door a hand grabs my waist and covers my mouth.

"Help!" But it comes out muffled. I bite the person's hand which only causes him to hold me tighter.

"Shut up. Act natural or else. Understood?" It's Josh's voice.

I nod and he releases his grip. But then he grabs my wrist and holds my hand all the way through the gym. Next thing I know, we are out the door and I start to panic.

"Let go of me!" I yell.

He ignores me and yanks me towards his car.

"I said let go of me Josh!"

"Stop yelling!" Josh shouts angrily.

"No! Isabelle! Alex! Somebody! PLEASE HELP!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"QUIET!" Josh screams. "Get in the car. Now."


"Now Levin!" He yells and pushes me into the shotgun seat. Then he shuts the door and climbs into the driver's seat. He is seriously kidnapping me.

"Josh. Stop. Why are you doing this?" I say forcefully.

"I love you. That's why."

"Quit it. Why are you really doing this to me?" I say.

He doesn't reply. So I look out the window and see a road I don't recognise.

"At least tell me where we are going."

Josh remains silent.

To be continued...

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