Chapter 20: Ruthless Monster

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Chapter 20: Ruthless Monster

"Alex! Get off of Levin! Now!" He booms.

Alex and I sit up. Josh looks at us astonished. I struggle for my breath from all that kissing and Alex throws his shirt back on. I think about what Josh is probably thinking right now. Before, I can make any predictions, he tells me exactly what's on his mind.

"So you think its okay to just take Levin from my room and bring her back here so that you can bang her?!" He yells

What am I supposed to do? If I say something then Josh will most definately break up with me but if I let Alex say something then it definately won't be good.

"Josh are you serious?!" Alex shouts.

"Oh don't play dumb. When I walked in you were laying on top of her, shirtless. You were kissing her. And she is clearly out of breath." Josh says getting angrier.

"Think whatever you want to think Josh. But never would I do that without her permission. Unlike you-"

Alex is interrupted when Josh punches his jaw. He screams in pain as Josh gets ready for another swing. I clunkily step infront of Josh to bring some sense into him. But the next thing I know, I feel a blow to my face, and I fall to the ground. I sit up feeling my sore cheek. Josh steps towards me and is about to touch my cheek. When I slap him. I. Slap. Him. He looks at me in shock. I look away from him and at Alex who is finally managing to stand up. I stay on the ground. Josh is still in a state of disbelief.

"Lev. Im sorry that wasn't meant for you. Please Levin, Im so sorry." He pleads for forgivness.

He reaches his hand out to me and I grab it to stand up, my foot hurts a ton. Alexander looks at Josh angrily.

"You are a total idiot Josh! Look what you did to her! You already gave her a scar. Did she really need another mark on her face made by you?" Alex argues.

"It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't used her." Josh replies.

"I did not! I am not like you!" Alex screams.

This is all too much for me. I decide to speak up.

"Both of you just shut up! Alex didn't use me in any way. He did not bang me. Never would I allow that. Get that into your stinking head Josh! Alex, just stop fighting. You guys promised me you wouldn't fight again. You promised."

"...then why was he ontop of you, kissing you?" Josh asks confused.

What I am just about to say will probably end us. But he caught me. I made a mistake. I must admit it. I cheated on Josh.

"I...I....I let him kiss me." I murmur.

"What'd you say? Speak up." Josh tells me.

"I let him kiss me." I say louder.

Josh looks at me devistated.

"Levin why? I thought you loved me. You promised me you'd never leave me." He says.

"Josh...I didn't know what I was doing. I was just...distracted and depressed." I say.

You'd expect him to go all crazy on me but he doesn't. He takes his rage out on Alex.

"Its all your damn fault! Why'd you have to meddle with us. I should've known. We were just fine without you around!" Josh says the one thing that reminds me who he really is.

"Get out Josh." I say.

"Excuse me?" He asks confused.

"You heard me! Get out!" I yell, pointing toward the door.

"Baby please-"

"Go. Before I have to make you go. Just go!" I scream.

He looks at me one last time before exiting my room.

I climb onto my bed and start to feel the tears in my eyes. I sob into my pillow and struggle for air. What have I done? How could I have betrayed him. I am a horrible girlfriend. I was caught snogging with Alex and I still had the courage to make him leave and think its his fault. I cheated on him. I am a monster.... What am I saying? He is the monster. He always has been! How could I have dated such a monster who put Alex in a coma? He is absolutely ruthless. "Its not my fault" I repeat to myself over and over. But the other half of me tells me it is.

I feel warm arms wrap around me and I know its Alex.

"Im sorry." I say.

"Sorry?" He asks.

"Sorry because I caused all of this. I caused your coma. I caused your broken arm. I caused this scar on my face. I caused Josh to turn into what he is. I did. I am a horrible friend Alex. Horrible." I say.

"No. You are amazing. Levin, everyday I wake up, hoping that it'll be the day I get to call you mine. Everyday I go to bed, thinking of how to repay you for all you've done. Everyday I wish I could tell you this. Everyday I wish I could kiss you. Everyday I wish I could be a better person to you than I have been because you are the best person in my world." He says poetically.

"But I've caused so much to happen-"

"But nothing, Levin you are the greatest friend ever. I love you. I love you. I love you." He says reassuringly.

Only I think he meant more than that.

Ruthless Game: Highschool SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now