Chapter 12: What Did I Do?

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Chapter 12: What did I do?

I wake up with a jolt, force myself out of Josh's grip, and I race back to my own room huddling beneath my covers. What have I done?

My waking thought was this school. So far in my only TWO weeks here, I have gotten drunk, slept with 2 guys, went to a party, got someone in a coma, wore makeup, made enemies, got invited into the populars, found a best friend, have a fake boyfriend, the boy I liked is in a coma, I still continue to wear makeup, I stayed out past midnight, went through a breakup, have a goal to take down kids in my school, AND can't decide on two guys. Well, so much for staying focused on school. How will my dad even recognise me? I feel the tears bubbling up in my eyes and it isn't long before they are gliding down my face. What have I become?

I hear Isabelle slide down the ladder from her bunk bed and land on the floor. She hears my cries and pads over to me on silent sock feet. She just hugs me, only hugs me. Somehow, this makes feel a lot better.

"Come on Levin. I know it hurts but its time to start the school day." She says in a soothing tone next to my ear.

"Its time to remember that you and Josh are a thing right now. You must be in order to annihilate him. We'll take down Emily and Dylan today. Every single sports tryout is today." she says matter-of-factly.

" don't understand. Just please. I would rather not come to school today-"

"No! You are coming even if I have to carry you. Now get dressed."

I moan and exit the room to get dressed.

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