Chapter 6: First Day A Popular

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Chapter 6: First day a Popular

The next day, it is quite uneventful but Josh keeps giving me looks. He no longer sits next to me in any of my classes.

The bell rings and Alex and I walk to lunch together. We walk over to the popular table and sit down. As soon as we sit, Jennifer decides to make my life miserable.

"So Levin, you got anything to share with us?" She asks.

I start to feel nervous. Alex notices and grabs my hand. I think about ever single thing that has happened.

"No? Well then I guess I should just tell them."

Jennifer pulls out her phone and shows it to Josh. Immediately, his face goes red. Oh no.

"So you can be with that dweeb. And not me?! What the heck Levin!" Josh yells. Everyone in the cafeteria turns to look at us. I instantly become scared. Alex squeezes my hand.

"We didn't do anything! We just fell asleep while watching a movie!" I defend myself.

"On my bed?!" Jennifer adds.

"Well my bed was too small for the two of us to watch the movie on, so we used yours. We must of fell asleep halfway!"

"Yeah right, Levin." Josh yells.

"It's true, Josh." Alex assures him.

"Fine. I believe you Levin." Josh says. Everyone in the lunch room turns their attention back to their food.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur until finally, we reach 6th period. I head to the locker room with Isabelle. Luckily our lockers are right next to each other. I put in my combination and open my locker. I pull out my uniform and quickly slip it on. It consists of a white tanktop and shorts that end just below my butt. They are much more "revealing" than our school uniform.

As soon as Isabelle finishes changing, Rachel joins us and we head out the door. After walking through a awfully long hall, we reach the gym. The coaches tell us we can do whatever we'd like today as long as it's athletic. I look around the room. In the corner of the gym, Dylan and Emily are kissing. Josh is throwing a football around with Jennifer. And Alex is throwing a tennis ball and catching it, over and over again.

"Well I'm going to go hang out with Josh. Kiss kiss!" Rachel says before she struts away.

"I'm going to go too. Destin and I wanted to play a game of Tennis today." Isabelle says giving me a hug. "See ya later!"

I walk over to the PE crate and take out a volleyball. I throw it up in the air and begin to set it again and again. After about ten minutes, Alex walks over to me and asks me if he can join.

I pass him the ball.


A few games later, Alex decides that volleyball is not his sport and instead pulls out a basketball from the crate.

"Lets do this instead." He says as he starts to dribble the ball and tosses it to me.

I flinch and move out of the way.

"Haha. Nice catch." He says sarcastically and I can't help but laugh as well.

For a while, we play basketball. Tossing and dribbling. Tossing and dribbling. It's quite boring. But Alex seems to be enjoying himself. Finally the bell rings. No more basketball! I head back to the locker room and change into my regular school uniform. At last, the school day has ended. I can't wait to go back to my dorm and get some rest.

I arrive at my dorm, open the door and throw myself onto my bed. I pull out my book and begin to read.

"We sat there. Hand in hand, thinking about everything that has been going on lately. Honestly, I'm quite scared. But at that moment I know that I love him, but I love Drake too. I know he made me mad but nothing will change how I felt about him. My thoughts are interrupted when the gunshots begin and my first instinct is to run fast and far-"

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