Chapter 25: my knight in shining armor.

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Chapter 25: My knight in shining armor

The door swings abruptly open and Alex runs in, clubbing Josh in the back of the head. Josh's eyes cross and he falls down.

Alex enters the room, his face contorted with rage. When he sees me in my half naked state and my hands tied behind my back, he kicks Josh in the back once more. I can only manage a murmur of help because all of the energy has drained out of me and I am crying fiercely now.

Alex comes over and yanks the tie from my hands, he pulls up my dress at once and zips me up. He then carries me and I press my head against his chest. When we get to my room he sets me down on the bed.

"Are you okay Levin?"

"Why? What have you heard?" I say cautiously.

"Nothing," Alex says carefully. "I just saw Josh come back with you and followed him here. I can't believe what he did! That was so stupid. I'm so glad I came when I did. Did he hurt you? You should get some sleep."

"Wait, what about Isabelle? What about Destin?" I cry. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you all about it when you wakeup. Tomorrow's Saturday. Get some rest right now."

"Thanks." I moan.


I wake up, my face wet. I have been crying almost all night. Josh is stupid and he had a halfway success in his plan. I can't believe it. Worst of all I let him take me. I let him. What would my mother had thought of me? What have I done? After completing my morning routine, I lay back down on my bed to think.

What am I going to tell Alex? Josh specifically instructed me not to tell Alex what happened or else Alex would get hurt and he would cancel the deal. But I know him, and he would definitely want to know exactly what happened with Josh. I just can't risk that.

I hear a knock on my door. Great.

The door swings open carefully and Alex and Isabelle walk in. Alex cautiously walks over to me and sits on my bed. He is treating me like a wounded animal because of last night, I guess. Isabella's eyes are puffy and red, wet tears still glistening on her cheeks.

"You're okay Levin. Josh was stupid. You're okay. Nothing happened." Alex says in an emotionless tone. That tells me its not okay.

"No its not. What's wrong?" I ask.

"Umm." He trails off

"Alex..." I ask.

He reaches up to my face and kisses me. I eagerly kiss back, relieved that he is mine again. He fits his mouth to mine again and continues, hungry for more. Then Isabelle breaks into sobs.

"I'm sorry. It just reminds me of what...HE used to do." she says through tears.

"Oh, Isabelle, here come here and sit. It's fine. We will make him pay for the pain he's causing you." Alex says sweetly. "We will take down the populars, and in the process take down Destin along with that."

"Umm, guys. what is wrong? You still haven't told me whats going on." I remind them. I can't hurt/help them if I don't know what's wrong.

" cheating on me with Rachel" Isabelle says in one breath and goes back to crying.

"He is dating Rachel. It happened at the dance while you were with...HIM." Alex says venomously to me.

"Okaaay," I say awkwardly to Alex's response. "Isabelle. Guess what? I took down the populars. I..umm.." I stop speaking trying to come up with a lie on how I defeated the populars. There is no way I am saying what I really did.

"What?" Isabelle prompts, while Alex says it incredulously.

"I umm.. Talked Josh into defeating the populars" Even though he talked me into it.

"What? Levin..." Alex eyes me. "I thought we finally had it going good."

I lie.

"I didn't want to stay. I couldn't leave. He had my arms down, and my good leg was already tiring out faster because it has to take all my weight, and my bad leg, I couldn't walk with. So, I just made the most out of the terrible experience last night was and now the populars are over." I say quickly, before Alex can make anymore accusations.

"Well in that case, well done!" Alex says, congratulatory.

"Yes! But I swear I can beat him. I can make him sorry for what he did." Isabelle thinks aloud.

"Easy there Isa. It isn't a video game." Alex jokes.

There, everyones happy and a little white lie never hurts anyone. Right?

End of Book 1

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