Chapter 10: Revenge is Sweet

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Chapter 10: Revenge is Sweet

The next day is Saturday. Alex and I were supposed to go watch Mockingjay together. So I have nothing to do today. Luckily, neither does Isabelle.

"Isabelle? Do you want to go out to town or something?"

"Levin, we don't have a pass."

"Its Saturday, we don't need passes over the weekends." I respond.

"Oh okay. Lets go to the Meadow Park Mall then." Isabelle suggests.

"Okay. But I need your advice...well actually I need you for something."

"Uh. Okay. Shoot." She says

"Remember your plan to take down the populars? I think its time to put that in action. Alex is in a coma because of them, so we must do something about it." I say, tears filling my eyes.

"We should. But this is what you should do. Please don't hate me. But, you need to ask Josh out. Act like you love him, that way we can get closer to the populars. I know you are part of the populars but after what has happened, they were probably planning to remove you anyways. Next, we all know how hard it is going to be to take them down. So Destin is going to help us. We will start with Emily and Dylan. They will be the easiest to get rid of because they are only popular due to their sports greatness. We will sabotage them first. Good plan?"

"Yeah, but I dont want to fake date seems really dirty." I reply.

"Don't worry. It'll be okay." She says.

"Well then...I'm all for it. Could you call Destin?" I ask.

Isabelle pulls out her phone and dials a number.

"Hey honey! I was wondering if you could meet me an Levin at the Meadow Park Mall?" Isabelle asks in a high-pitched voice.

"Uh... sure, Isa. See ya there."

"Okay. Bye!" she practically screams.

After about a 35 minute drive, we arrive at the mall. Destin is at the food court ordering Starbucks Coffee. So Isabelle and I sit at one of the tables.

"Here you go girls." Destin says handing us each a caramel coffee.

"Thank you" I say with a smile, while Isabelle kisses his cheek.

"Okay beautiful, why am I here?" He asks Isabelle suspiciously.

We explain everything he needs to know. His facial expression after everything is quite hard to describe. He looked confused, sad and angry.

"Oh I cant wait to get our revenge. Those idiotic populars don't know what's coming." Destin says with a smirk.

"Exactly. Here's what I was thinking. To take down Emily, all we have to do is sabotage her swim try-out on Monday." Isabelle says.

"How are we gonna do that?" I ask.

"Easy. But one of you has to try out for swim in order to sabotage her. And since Levin is already having to deal with fake dating Josh and Destin is going to help sabotage Dylan's football try-out, I will deal with Emily's swim try-out. Taking them down will be simple, I promise. But I cant assure the same with Jennifer, Josh, and Rachel." Isabelle tells us.

Destin and I nod our heads. We finish our coffees and decide to walk around the mall.

After what seemed like a decade of begging, Destin agrees to go to Charlotte Rousse with us. Isabelle and I both hug him and each of us give him a peck on the cheek. He laughs. Then Isabelle and I run into the store like two little girls, dragging him behind. Isabelle and I each pick out an outfit and go try it on. We enjoy ourselves with an imaginary "fashion show" and strut all around the store. Destin was bored at first but then he started laughing at us and picking out outfits for us to where. He served as our critique. It was hilarious. Finally Isabelle and I stepped out in matching outfits which were totally cute.

"Oh GIRLFRIEND! That is a tots awe-mazing outfit. GIRLFRIEND! You look tots cute-alicious! OMG. I have to text my boyfriend!" Destin says imitating a girl.

We all burst into laughter. Then we check out and continue to walk around the mall. I had not had that much fun in a long time. I love hanging out with them. They totally get me, unlike the populars. I just wish Alex were here too.

After a while of walking, Destin sees the Nike Store and even though we don't want to go in with him, Isabelle and I enter.

Destin is paying for some Nike Airs when Josh and Dylan walk in. Crud. I try to stay away from them and go over to where Isabelle is.

"Josh and Dylan just walked in." I say holding back the anger that I feel for Josh.

"Oh my! Levin why are you hiding? This is the perfect time to start our plan. Don't worry, Destin and I will be right here if anything happens."

I gulp and make my way over to where he is.

"Hey Josh." I say tapping his back.

"Oh hey Lev. What's up?"

Oh nothing! The guy I like is in a coma and I'm about to ask you out. Even though you caused it!

"Everything's fine." I say.

"Okay cool." He says as if he hadn't just possibly killed my best friend.

"So uh...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime." I say trying to play it cool.

His eyes widen "What about that dweeb?"

"I realized that I like you much more than him." I reply through gritted teeth.

"Oh Levin! You don't know how happy that makes me." he almost yells.

I fake a smile.

"Okay so how about tomorrow night? We can go to a restaurant or something."

"Sounds good." I say.

I am just about to leave when I turn and see Isabelle signaling me to do something. Something I wouldn't exactly like to do but it's for Alex. I lean in and kiss his lips. This catches him by surprise. He holds my face and kisses me back. When it's over, I wave goodbye and head back to Isabelle and Destin, who are where I last left them.

"I hate you." I say to Isabelle.

"Oh I know." She laughs.

We leave the store and decide we should head back to the campus. On the way there, we rent a movie.

Finally, we arrive at my dorm and put in the disc. But the excitement of watching the movie doesn't last long because Destin falls asleep. And then not long after, so does Isabelle. But I continue to watch the movie anyways.

Then, Jennifer walks in and eyes Destin suspiciously.

"Why is he laying down on Isabelle's bed and why is Isabelle on your bed? If you don't have a place to sleep, you're sure not sleeping on my bed."

She looks at where I am sitting.

"And I told you not to sit on mine anymore!" She yells.

"Well how else am I supposed to watch tv? You can't see it from my bunk bed!" I defend myself.

"You just don't watch tv. End of story. Now if you don't mind I need you to get off my bed." She says rudely with her hands on her hips.

"Fine" I say and go to my closet to pull out a pillow and blanket.

"Turn off the stupid movie!" Jennifer says.

"No! Do it yourself!" I scream as I set up my sleeping space for tonight on the floor. Im not going to wake Isabelle up, that would be rude.

"Damn you!" She yells and shuts off the tv.

I tuck myself under my blanket and close my eyes. Revenge is sweet. I can't wait to mess with you Jennifer. Sweet dreams.

A/N:Gave you a long chapter!! Please leave feedback and vote!

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