Chapter 9: Endless Sleep

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Chapter 9: Endless Sleep

After receiving my stitches, Isabelle drives me to the hospital, we check in. Then I make my way to where Alex is staying and knock on his door. Instead of his voice, a doctor says to come in instead. I enter slowly expecting Alex to wave or something but he is in the same state I last saw him in. His cuts and bruises covered now though. I waltz over to the doctor.

"So whats wrong?"

He takes a deep breath before responding.

"Are you his sister, mother, cousin, aunt?"

I shake my head.

"If you aren't related to him, you're not supposed to be in here."

"He's a close family friend. We grew up like cousins. Please just tell me what's happened to him." I lie.

He sighs. "After being beaten, he entered a critical coma."

A sharp pain enters my gut. I attempt to hold back my tears. My body starts trembling.

"A coma? How long will that be?"

"We never know. Best cases: a few months. But when worst comes to worst, he might never wake up." the doctor says, showing absolutely no emotion.

What if he never wakes up? What if I will never talk to him? What will I do without him? Aside from Isabelle, he is the only friend I have. What am I saying? He will wake up. I will see him again. He is strong. He will wake up and I am going to be here when he does.

I walk over to his motionless body and kiss his forehead like he did to me on the night of the party. His body is cold.

"Sweet dreams" I whisper.

I promise myself that I will visit him everyday, care for him, and hold myself together even through the worst. It doesn't matter that he has entered an endless sleep, he will will wake up because I don't know what I'll do without him.

At that moment I realize, Isabelle was right. I love Alexander and Josh is going to have to pay.

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