Chapter 24: Got a Secret Can You Keep It?

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Chapter 24: Got a Secret Can You Keep It?

That silences conversation for a while. I wait until we are driving parallel to the ocean and then we pull over to the side of the road and Josh looks at me.

"Alright listen. So, I know I kinda took you against your will, so I'll make you a deal. You don't tell Alex about this and I'll take down the populars for you."

"You knew?" I ask.

"I did. You cannot believe how angry I am at you but I still love you. You are going to agree to this deal. Understand?"

"Why am I here?" I say scared. What on Earth could he have planned?

"Because, I told you. You don't want Alex to hear about this do you? You sneaking off with me to the ocean. Do you think Alex would be happy? Or I make you a deal to keep all this quiet and the populars off your plate."

"Okay. Yes, you have a deal. Now take me home. Now!" I command.

"Okay." Josh agrees, slyly.


When we arrive at

the boarding school, the guard recognizes Josh's car and lets us through. He steers me through the winding corridors and through the hallway to my room. However, instead of turning to go to my dorm, he turns the other way and goes to his. Then, he goes into his room and lays me down on the bed. He pulls the other bed out and lays it right up beside mine. My heart is beginning to pound.

Then, he goes into the bathroom and comes out shirtless.

Oh, no. Oh, no no no. Alex, oh Alex. Please come help me. I can't kick him because of my cast, and i can't fight because he has my arms pinned down.

What am I going to do?!?!

Then, Josh turns slowly toward me, all the while keeping my arms pinned down on the bed.

"Hey beautiful. We have this dark room all to ourselves. What are we going to do?" he says, repeating from our old encounter on the night of the party. I shudder. The one that Alex had saved me from.

Then, as if knowing what i'm thinking. Josh puts his hand over my mouth so i can't scream for help. He does the worst thing. He reaches over me and starts to unzip my dress. He is unzipping it, so it drops down and stops at the waist. I start to scream and bite his hand. He chuckles. He inches toward me with a smile and kisses my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. No. Please. No. He kisses me all the way up to my jaw line. I feel my tears starting to form.

Suddenly, I hear a banging at the door. Alex. At last.

Josh seems to come to the same conclusion, and apparently decides to speed up his process. He is just beginning to inch his way down to my chest. Which is covered only by a bra.

Oh, hurry up Alex.

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