Chapter Four

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The next morning I woke up tired as hell. I couldn't sleep all night. He kissed her. I bet he enjoyed it, nasty lips and all.

I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Emily and Rylee were already up and eating.

"I'm so mad at you Remi." Emily stated putting a spoonful of Coco Puffs in her mouth.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Um. You just left us on the floor. You could've have woken us up." Rylee finished her sentence for her, they had a habit of doing that.

"You guys get angry when I wake up. One time Emily bit me." I said.

They both laughed.

"So what was going on with you last night? I heard you walk outside." Emily recalled.

"I was just thinking." I shrugged my shoulders and took the box of Eggos out of the freezer.

"About what?" Em asked.

"Well, just stuff. Like school. I'm really nervous about that test we have in math today. I haven't really studied." I said popping one Eggo in the toaster.

"I find that hard to believe. You're practically a study machine. And you're never nervous for test." Rylee told me.

"Well I'm nervous for this one. I just went on a walk to blow off steam about the test. Nothing else." I lied.

They nodded and continued eating their cereal.

"So. Did Ethan tell you how his date went?" Rylee asked.

"Oh, yeah. He said it went good. They saw Black Panther. So it was good." I told them.

"Anything else happen?" She pressed.

"Nope." I lied again.

I didn't want to tell them that Ethan and Ashley kissed because I knew they would go crazy. They would ask me so many questions, questions I didn't feel like answering.

We finished our breakfast and got around for school. We walked to school talking about random things.

When we set foot into school, Ashley and Ethan were lip locking against our lockers. Great...

"Um. Excuse me." I said quietly getting scared.

"Here, let me try." Emily said pushing me out of the way.


They immediately stopped kissing. They moved over just enough.

"Thank you." Emily said calmly.

"You know next time ya could ask nicely." Ashley said flipping her long blonde hair off of her shoulders.

"I don't have time to be nice." Emily opened her locker and stuffed her backpack in there.

"We're sorry." I told them.

"It's okay." Ethan said gently.

"No it's not babe. They are totally rude. They should apologize." Ashley protested.

"They just did." Ethan put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm talking about that one!" She yelled pointing a long finger at Emily.

"Oh, you want me to apologize? Uh, no thanks." Emily scoffed.

"Just apologize Em, then she'll leave us alone." I whispered in Emily's ear.

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