Chapter Ten

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Remi's POV

When the week was over I knew what that meant. School. This was the only time I had never actually wanted to go to school.

I picked up my phone and texted Emily and Rylee.

Hey. Coming back to school today.

Yay! Our table was getting lonely. Emily's not exactly the best conversationst.

Says the one who's barely been at the table all week!

I clicked off my phone since I knew they were just gonna fight. Something's been going on with Rylee lately.

I walked out of my bedroom and went to school.

"Remi!" A voice called. I turned around to see Ethan running towards me.

"Hi." He said catching his breath.

I waved and smiled.

"You good?" I asked.

He nodded and kissed my lips. I pushed him off.

"We're still by my house." I said.

"Remi, I-" I cut him off.

"I know. I don't wanna do this either." I said.

"I don't like hiding. Especially not from your parents." He said.

"If we don't do this then we can't see each other at all." I explained.

"Yes we can. We don't have to hide this." He said.

"My parents don't want you around me. You know that. This is the only way." I said.

"It's not." Ethan said rolling his eyes. We kept walking.

"You want to hide this?" He asked.

"No, but-"

"Then you'd understand that some of the things your parents say are just stupid. You shouldn't listen to them on this." He told me.

"I know. But they just really want me to focus on school." I explained. "We shouldn't be fighting about this. This is stupid."

"Whatever." He said.

It was so stupid that we were fighting about this. He knows we have no choice.

I walked into school and got on with the rest of my day. Ethan and I didn't talk at all.

"You're both stupid. Just talk to each other. This is so petty." Emily said as we got to the lunch table. We both sat down.

"Where's Rylee?" I asked.

"She said she has to work on something for a class." Emily said putting her whole sentence in quotes. "She's probably hanging out with Jake again."

"Oh. They spend a lot of time together." I said.

"Yeah. A bit annoying really. But you do thw same thing. I hate being the loser that doesn't have a boyfriend." Emily whined.

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