Chapter Four

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I must have fell back asleep because I slowly lifted my head to the sound of a bell. "Ugh," I groaned. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and saw that I never closed my window or my blinds letting the whole world see my sleep. I heard the doorbell ring multiple times again. "Alright, alright I'm coming!" I hollar. I don't know who was at the door, but whoever has interupted my sleep is going to end up getting their ass kicked. I got off my bed and opened my bedroom door. I stopped halfway down the hallway when I saw myself in the hall mirror we had. My hair was a mess! I know I shouldn't care. I mean it's summer. Why should I care what people think of how I look? I never did in the past. But I could not stand how I looked. I quickly pullmy hair into a messy and lose braid. I can always just fix it later.

I clomped down the stairs to the front door. I twisted the lock and flung the door open to see Ryan standing there in black Adidas shorts and a blue Nike shirt. "You know you are wearing two different pieces of clothing that belong to different companies," I state groggily.

"So?" He raised his eyebrow at me, "I'm a guy. I can mismatch my clothing unlike you girls who need to match everything."

I glare at him. "Really? Not all girls match their clothes. I rarely ever do."
"That's because you always wear sweatshirts and shorts to school and wherever else," he says.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask taken aback. It's true. I used to wear sweatshirts a lot, but that was only because our school was cold no matter if they had the AC on or not.

"Nothing. Forget I ever said anything. Are you ready to catch for me?" He asks leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah just let me change and grab my stuff. I'll be over in a few," I tell him turning away.

"The front door is open, so feel free to come in," he says. I hear his footsteps against the walkway. I close the door behind me. I run up the stairs and go to my room. I picked out a sports bra and a cut off tank I made with my softball team's logo on it. No I wasn't trying to impress anyone. It just gets really hot during the day here in Chattanooga. I kept my shorts on. I swiped my phone off my nightstand and pocketed it, so I wouldn't forget it. Next I went into the hall closet where all of my softball gear is.

Everything that I need is in my bag, just like it should be. After hauling my bag down the stairs, I finally made it outside. I decided to call Mom just to tell her where I'm going to be. I dial her work phone and wait for her to answer. She never answers her cell, so why even try? She answers on the fourth ring. "Hello? This is Doctor Caligney's office. How may I help you." The other end of the line said. I guess this isn't Mom.

"Um hello. This is actually Doctor Caligney's daughter. I was wondering if I could speak to her," I say into the phone.

"Sure dear. Just wait one moment," the lady on the other line says. I walk across the road in silence waiting for Mom to answer.

"Hello this is Doctor Caligney," I finally hear the familiar voice of Mom say.

"Hey mom. It's me Jenny." I pause focusing on the layout of steps in front of me.

"Hey Jenny. What can I do for you?" Mom asks casually.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be at the Brookes' this afternoon helping Ryan with his pitching," I inform.

"Oh you didn't have to tell me that sweetie," she says.

"I know, but I just needed the phone call," I admit.

"That's alright. Enjoy yourself," she says.

"I will. Love you," I say.

"Love you too kiddo. See you at home." She hangs up. See you at home my ass, I think to myself. That's what she always says. I slowly made my way up Ryan's walkway. He was right about the front door being open. It was literally open. I saw a fly fly in. I quietly stepinside and callfor Ryan. He pops his head out of a doorway and smiled.

"We're going in the back. There's a mound back there," he says stepping through.

"Is it okay if I out my phone in the kitchen?" I ask.

"Yeah. I'll take your bag and get your stuff out." He outstretches his hand waiting for me to give the bag to him. I reluctantly give him the bag and watch as he heads to the set of doors that lead to the backyard.

"Thanks," I say.

"Anytime Jenny," he calls over his shoulder. I smile and walk to where I remembered the kitchen was. It was still there. Everything was exactly like I remembered it to be. There were dark granite counters with black glass cabinets with stainless steel appliances. There was still an island in the middle of the kitchen too. I set my phone down and then turned around to walk back out, but felt something slam into me. I staggered back, but catch myself before I fall. I looked up to see who I bumped into. Great. Just who I want to see right now.

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