Chapter Forty-One

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The next week and a half was crazy. Grandma was like a hawk. She did't let mom lift anything with the exception of silverware, the TV remote, and her phone. It was all amusing to me. It was like she had a personal butler or something. I mean Mom sits in bed all day and Grandma basically gets her whatever she needs. She even helps her to her bathroom, but I'm pretty sure she can do that all on her own. The best part of this though is that no one bothered me, so it was easier for me to pack up my stuff. I didn't have to pack much.

All I have to pack up now is some things from my bedroom excluding the bed and comforter. I wouldn't be able to fit it in my car and I'm not paying to rent one of the UHaul trailers or trucks. Then I needed everything from my bathroom which wasn't much. Clothes, and my coffee mugs. It doesn't seem like much, But when you are the one who has to pack it up, it really is. That's why Parker is over to help me strip everything from my room and put it into their designated boxes.

"So are you excited to leave?" he asks. I set what I was holding down which was a box of books. Then I went to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Yes," I say.

"You don't sound like you mean it," he says. He sets what he is holding down and comes to sit next to me.

"I want to leave, but with all that has happened in the past few weeks I don't," I shortly explain, crashing backwards so I was laying.

"Think of all the good things that could happen if you leave," he says.

"Think of all the good things that I'm leaving behind," I say rather negatively.

"Like what?" he asks.

"My mom for one. I want to be here for her, but I can't when I'm almot halfway across the country. I'm going to be on a new softball team with new girls I don't even know. I'm going to miss the team I have now. I mean our last game was only last week. I know I'm not close with them outside of the team, but you understand don't you?" I raise my head and look at him. He didn't lay back. He was still sitting looking at my door.

"I know the feeling yeah," he says. Now he leans back and looks at me. "But you can't let those things keep you from leaving. I'm sure you will create a great bond with your new team. You will befriend them and start over in a new place."

"You know what else I'm going to miss?" I ask.


"Your mom's cooking. She is like the best cook ever," I say. He looked hurt.

"Are you serious Jenny?" he asks annoyed. "My mom's cooking?" He was quiet after that and so was I, but after a couple minutes went by he sat up and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"The bathroom," he answered. He walked out of my room though. Is he using the hall bathroom, or is he leaving? I sat up and waited for him to return. When he came back into the room I got off the bed and went over to him. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what I had to say.

"Parker I was only joking," I start. He nods his head and I continue. "You know I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss you most." I don't know if he believed me or not. He was showing no expression.

"I can't believe you're leaving in three days," he says. I wrap my arms around him.

"I can't either. I know," I agree. We were quiet. We didn't let go of each other. Even though we are friends again, it isn't the same. Two years ago we would always goof around and wrestle with each other. Now our relationship is more emotional and awkward. No matter how much I want a hug it's always awkward and I have no idea why. I hate that it's awkward and I want to change that. The only problem is, I don't know how.

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