Heres Where It Started... (chapter 1)

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hey guys please dont leave after reading the first chapter id really apreciate it if i got feedback and stuff so please please please vote/comment/fan  :) xx so yeah...enjoy!!


My names amber, at the age of three I met my childhood best friend, why am I telling you this? Well my best friend wasn’t anyone ordinary, his name is Niall Horan, and yes you did read that right. I was Niall Horan’s best friend until I did the most stupid thing possible. I threw away our friendship. When we were sixteen he told me he was auditioning for the X- Factor. I instantly told him it was a stupid idea because I didn’t want him to forget about me if he ended up getting through to the live shows. I told him I’d rather end the friendship now and not have my best friend forget me for fame. I know stupid right?

The day he left I stayed in my room. I stayed in there for 2 weeks. Apart from going to school. I would wake up, shower, get dressed and go to school. I’d get there and ignore everybody; I cut all social meaning out of my life. I didn’t want to be told I was stupid for throwing away such a strong friendship, I couldn’t handle it. All I did was watch the X-Factor every Wednesday night and have guilt wash over me every time Niall’s smiley face popped up on my screen.

So now I’m 19 turning 20 in 4 months, I have no friends except for Jasmine. Jaz was the only person who actually worried about how I was after I stopped talking to Niall. She got to know me really well and I knew I could trust her with anything. She’s the only one that knows how I really feel about Niall. And is probably the only one who ever will.

I graduated from year 12 three months ago. Now I work as a DJ for one of the biggest radio stations in Australia. Oh did I forget to mention I moved from Ireland to Sydney, Australia the day after I graduated because my application for the radio station was accepted. So every afternoon I start my show on the radio station at 5 and finish at 10. I interview all the biggest stars in Australia at the time and do the daily top 30 song countdown.

This morning I woke up to a call from my co-host Emma saying we’ve got an interview with some big music sensation, but she won’t tell me who apparently she wants to see my reaction. Maybe its Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift. I hope it’s none of those boy bands or young guys in the music industry at the moment, they’re so hard to control in interviews all they want to do is have fun, play pranks and jump around. All I know is the interview is next Thursday and they’re co-hosting with us for a whole show. That gives me five days to organise what I’m gonna say and wear. Emma will be over in 2 hours to tell me who we are doing the show with. Who the hell could it be? I have no idea who’s coming to Australia next week. Yeah I know what you’re thinking “you work at a radio station with the biggest stars how could you not know?” well I just came back from Ireland. I had to finish getting my final things from home. I only got back late last night. That’s why I don’t know who’s in Australia; I haven’t been near Australian news lately. Jaz stayed here while I went back for three days, she might know of any celebrities that are coming to Australia.

“Jaz can you come here” I call up the stairs.  “Yeah!” she calls back down and within seconds she’s in the kitchen standing across the room from me. “What do you want?” she asked me “I just wanted to let you know that Emma’s coming over in 2 hours to tell me who we’re interviewing next Thursday; apparently she wants to see my reaction. Do you have any idea who it could be?” I ask her, “Well who is going to be in Sydney on Thursday?” “I don’t know” I replied “that’s why I asked you I actually have no idea who is going to be here next week” then Jaz gasped and went quiet “What’s wrong Jaz” “You don’t think it would be One Direction do you?”

do you like the first chapter? feedback would be amazingly awesome id really appreciate it. but please keep reading!! i promise it gets better!! :) x x

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