Passing Notes

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*Nialls POV*

Why do we have to do things this early in the morning? Who does an interview at 9 o’clock in the morning? It better be worth it. The interviewers better be female and they better be attractive! I didn’t get much sleep last night I had a horrible dream that somehow reminded me of something that happened in the past. All the dream consisted of was darkness and faint yelling I couldn’t hear any of it except for some words. What I heard was a female yelling “so your just gonna leave me like that?” and “well I don’t want to see you again!” I don’t know what memory it reminded me of, but I know I woke up with a tear stained face. Because of that dream I've been in a horrible mood all morning. I know it relates to something but I don’t know what and its bugging me because whatever it reminds me of must of hurt me because I was crying in my sleep.

I snapped out of my daydream once we arrived at the studio. The boys were all excited, I don’t know what for though. Interviews on morning shows were always so boring, the host are always so serious and they always ask the same question. Who’s single? Who’s not? Whens your next album coming out? When are you back here next? To be honest I was getting sick of all the same questions every day. Hopefully, just hopefully something out of the ordinary will happen in this interview. Hah! Who am I kidding of course nothing gonna happen.

*Ambers PO V*

15 minutes until the interview and I’m actually excited

10 minutes til the interview hah! excitement who needs that when you’ve got nerves?

5 mins until the interview Oh Gosh I’m gonna faint or something I’m so nervous and he’s not even in the room

2 mins calm down Amber it's all gonna be ok, what’s the worst that can happen?? Actually I don’t even want to know that!

Okay so here I am stressing out really badly, I’m trying to forget about Niall but it’s not like I can ignore him, right? There's a whole heap of noise in the corridor leading to this studio. Maybe it’s the boys, am I right? I look out the glass door to see three boys running around like crazy with one trying to settle them down and another walking back with the security guards. I recognise the three running around to be Harry, Louis and Zayn. Liam’s the one running after them telling them to be quiet and to walk before someone gets hurt… and then there's the one walking with the security guards… Niall. He doesn’t look happy. Does he always look like this? Did I kill his happiness three years ago when I walked away from him. Oh gosh I hope not. I get out of my seat to open the door but Emma beats me to it she knows I don’t really want to be here. I just sit back down in my seat and greet them all and introduce myself as they walk in. Harry and Louis were first to run in, I said hi and told them my name was Amber then Liam and Zayn walked in , a lot more civilised might I say, I also said hi and told them my name. Half a minute later Niall walked in, he was wearing a fake smile, I could still tell after three and a half years which smiles were fake and which were real. He walked in smiling at the boys and then turned to Emma and said hi and shook her hand I stood up to greet him, when he noticed me he stopped and stared at me… did he notice me!? Did anyone else in the room notice his behavior? I could see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes. Did he remember me or not. I decided not to tell him my name until at least after the first interview. As we started the interview we started with a few typical questions. As we asked then I saw Niall roll his eyes. While all the other boys were talking to Emma about past relationships I scribbled Niall a little note saying “Sorry for the questions they’re crap aren’t they? We didn’t get to write or choose them! The questions will be better in the next interview! ” I then slid it across the desk to him. It reminded me of in high school how we used to write each other notes. I watched as he read it he laughed a little bit then flipped it over and replied on the back. I watched him as he wrote it and slid it back to me it read “they’re not bad questions just typical questions that we’ve answered so many times: P are you doing the afternoon show as well? X N” I smirked and grabbed another post it note to write the reply on “haha, yeah I usually don’t do the morning show but the hosts are sick. So you’re stuck with me in two interviews unfortunately x A” I slid it to him and he looked up at me curiously he then slid the paper back to me “I don’t have problem with spending another five  hours with you :), do I know you, you seem extremely familiar? X N” as I read it my insides screamed “he partially remembers you!!” I replied saying “we should probably pay attention to the interview how about we catch up after the interview we’ll go have a coffee and talk properly instead of over notes? X A” he read it and chuckled he look up at me and nodded I smiled back and we continued asking the boring questions while they continued answering them never showing any signs of boredom… except niall.

“Well boys unfortunately we have to leave it there. Its been lovely chatting with you and we hope you come back soon” as I said that last bit I winked at niall “ladies and gentlemen that was one direction” said Emma a chorus of ‘byes’ left the boys. The on air sign turned of while a few songs played while we informed the boys that we will see them later I led all the boys out and gave them all a hand shake as I went to give niall a handshake but he had different ideas he pulled me into a hug and then said “I've talked to our gaurds and since we have the day off until our interview with you he said I can hang with you if we keep out of the public eye? Is that okay with you or do you want to get a coffee another time?” “Well I don’t finish for another half hour but if your willing to hang around we’ll grab a coffee after that?” I replied “that sounds great!” he replied excitedly. “I gotta get back see you soon Niall.”

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