Fixing Things Up (chapter 16)

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Hey guys,  i aimed for a longer chapter this time so i hope this is a bit longer. so enjoy and dont forget to vote/comment/fan :) x x


*Ambers POV*

“Niall what are you doing here?” I mumbled into his shirt while hugging him. “The question is why did I leave in the first place?” he whispered. “What do you mean?” I asked him. I was so confused by his comment he made. “Amber I knew what I thought all along and I don’t know why I suddenly felt the need to think it over” “yeah, I’m still confused by what you mean” I said. What does he mean by he knew all along. “Where’s Jaz?” “She had to go out quickly, I have no idea where” I said. I was upstairs cleaning myself up just after Niall had left and Jasmine ran past my room calling out a goodbye and saying she’ll be back later, I have no idea where she went or what she was doing. “Okay well can I come in?” he asked me. What sort of a stupid question was that? “Yeah of coarse” “okay I need to explain to you what’s going through my mind right now” he said seriously. Please, please, please don’t tell me what I don’t want to hear. Please don’t let him leave me. We walked to the lounge room and sat down while facing each other. “Okay Ambs, first of all I just feel the need to explain why I ran out on you like that” he said seriously yet again. “Okay” I said unsure of what else to say. “I just wanna say that the only reason I felt the need to think it over by myself was that I was scared it would put our friendship in jeopardy, when in actual fact I didn’t care Amber I don’t care that you like me and I’m not scared about it ruining our friendship, the only thing I’m scared of is not making you mine.” Wait, um what, sorry did I hear that right? Did Niall just pretty much tell me that he liked me? “Sorry what? Did I hear you right Ni” I asked, I must have been daydreaming or something as if he’d say that to me. He chuckled at my comment and went serious again “Amber, I’ve liked you for as long as I could remember. And when you said you didn’t want to see me again when I went to the xfactor it killed me. I would hardly talk to anyone; until Liam came along he helped me he would listen to what I had to say and helped me take my mind off my feelings for you. He’s the one who literally just told me that I messed up big time leaving you earlier, he’s the reason I’m here expressing my feelings for you” “you…you like me too?” I whispered. He nodded with
 a smile on his face, as a large smile spread across my face. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I asked him. “I could ask the same thing” he joked around. “But you can’t ask the same thing cause guess what, I actually told you” I said while poking my tongue out at him. He jumped on top of me and started tickling me. I was laughing and screaming uncontrollably until the door opened and Jaz walked through with a large smile on her face “Amber what’s going on...oh umm hi Niall weren’t you going back with the boys?” “I was but I changed my mind” Niall said awkwardly. Jasmine shot me a ‘your-telling-me-exactly-what-happened-later’ look. And I just nodded. “Anyway why are you so happy? Where’d you go?” I asked her. “Oh umm nowhere important” she said I didn’t buy it. “Yeah whatever, you can tell me later then” I said to her. She rolled he eyes at me and walked to the kitchen. Niall hugged me and whispered in my ear “so me, you, tonight dinner?” I looked at him surprised. “Are you asking me on a date Horan?” I said. “Hey don’t act so surprised! So… was that a yes?” he asked me “ah of course” I said. “Uh hey guys I just realised a little complication” said Jaz as she entered the room “and that would be..?” I asked her annoyed cause she had interrupted me and Niall. “Uh we kinda only have two beds” she said awkwardly. “And your point is?” I continued “well, erm where’s Niall sleeping?” she said awkwardly again, I sighed. “Jaz, Niall and I have known each other for like forever, we had sleepovers our whole childhood and slept in the same bed, I’m not fazed by that… unless you have a problem with it Niall?” “Sorry, what? I zoned out for a minute there” he said. “I was asking if you had a problem sleeping in the same bed with me?” he looked at me cheekily. “Of course not Amber.” He said with an unreadable expression. At this stage Jasmine was so confused in the turn of events since the boys left that she was just staring at us. “You right Jaz?” I asked “wha- umm yeah I’m fine. I’m going to have a shower, I’m thinking of going out tonight. You know if Ems free?” “Oh okay, umm I think she might be working, I don’t know, just text her” I said as if it was obvious “oh and Niall and I are going out tonight” I added on quickly at the end. She just nodded and kept walking upstairs “and because of that, I have to go get ready” I said to Niall. I got up and ran upstairs to go find something to wear.

*Nialls POV*

I finally told her how I felt. I felt so relieved after telling her. “Why are you here?” Jasmine walked in the room and harshly asked. “Umm, cause I want to” I said unsure of what to answer. “No, I mean why are you back here, when you left Amber cried for ages, she would have been crying the whole time you were driving to the airport, and you just turn back up, and she’s all of a sudden happier than I've ever seen” glared at me “yes Jaz I know I hurt her and believe me the last thing I wanted to do was hurt her. While I was in the car I came to my senses. I came back and talked it over with Amber and now were better than ever” “I know why you left Niall, it’s pretty obvious, you left right after she told you she liked you” I couldn’t help but smile at the last thing she said. “And as I said Jaz we’ve worked it out its all good” “and I’m guessing you’re not gonna tell me how you’ve worked it out” I grinned “that’s for you to find out” I grinned “yeah, whatever, you hungry?” she changed the subject; at least she wasn’t sending me evil looks now. “What sort of a crazy question is that, of course I’m hungry!” we walked to the kitchen and grabbed a snack each. “So where are you and Amber going to dinner?” “To be honest I have no idea” she laughed at me “she’ll find somewhere to go, you won’t even get a say once she decides what she wants” I laughed “yeah I know” Jaz laughed. Right at that moment I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. And Amber walked around the corner to reveal her wearing a short strapless black dress that came up to her mid-thigh with a light grey ribbon around her waist, her red hair was in neat curls and pinned back at the side and the had simple black heals on. To say she looked beautiful was an understatement. I couldn’t help but stare, I didn’t even realise I was staring until Jaz coughed. “You look beautiful Ambs” Jaz said and walked out of the room. “You look amazing Amber” I stated as I walked over to her. “It’s not too much is it?” she asked, I chuckled “nope just perfect.” By now it was 6 o’clock “well, miss are you ready to leave?” I asked while giving her my hand. “I sure am” she said smiling as we walked out of the kitchen. Jaz was sitting in the lounge room, “see ya Jaz, we’ll be back later” Amber said happily. “See you guys, have fun” she said. “Are you going out tonight still?” amber added on quickly. “Nah can’t be bothered” she said “now you two go and have fun see ya”. We walked out the door. “Well Jaz was pretty quick to get us out of the house” Amber laughed.  “Well, where are we going to go?” Amber thought for a bit. “I actually don’t care to be honest” she said, I gasped “oh my god, Amber, the Amber doesn’t care what she eats? What has life come to” I joked. “Shuttup, what do you feel like, you’ve just been in the U.S. I know what food they don’t have over there” she said to me grinning. I knew exactly what she was talking about and I completely greed with her. “Nandos it is then?” I asked her “Nandos it is” she finalised.

hope you enjoyed! comment, comment, comment!!! i need feedback x x picture of Amber dress on the side >> :)

so yeah let me know how it is cause i really dont know if anyone even likes this story. so please please please im begging you to vote/comment/fan :) x x

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