What Happened While We Were Apart? (chapter 18)

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hi guys heres another update! enjoy xx S


*Amber's POV*

I woke up to the light shining through my window and an unusual weight beside me on my bed, I turn around to face the other side and come face to face with Niall, "Hello you" I whispered as a snuggled into his side for warmth. "Good morning Bambi" he mumbled as he kissed the top of my head. "any plans for today?" Niall asked me. Unfortunately it was a Monday so I was back at work tonight, "We can do whatever you want until 4 because I have work tonight" Niall groaned "I don't want you to go back to work!" he paused for a minute, I moved to look up at him to see why he was so quiet. "can I come to work with you?!?!" he almost shouted. I just giggled at him and sat up whilst shaking my head at him. I grabbed a flowy black dress and a pastel floral bikini from my cupboard and went and got changed in my bathroom, when I walked back out Niall was sitting cross legged on my bed bouncing like a hyper child "are we going to the beach?!" he squealed, and I simply nodded and walked downstairs. Niall quickly got changed and ran downstairs to find me making coffee to go with the toast I made us. Niall picked up the toast and looked at it curiously "whats this?". Is that boy crazy? "umm... toast?". he laughed "no silly! whats on the toast?" I slid his coffee across the bench towards him without spilling it, he looked up at me with his eyebrow raised clearly impressed with my coffee making skills. "oh its Vegemite!" I said excitedly. I couldn't wait to see his reaction. He took a bite and froze, slowly taking his eyes off the toast and looking at me, he scrunched his face up and ran to the bin to spit it out. At this point I was almost on the floor from laughter as he ran over to me, but he wasn't fast enough, I had grabbed my keys and a towel and ran out the door before he could get to me. I've missed this so much.

"Ambs! Ambi!" Niall called out for me but I kept running. "Amber!" I froze where I was because Niall only ever calls me by my full name when he is being serious. Before I knew it I had been tackled to the grass in the middle of the park that Niall and I went to on our date. All of a sudden Niall was laughing and I realized he was the one who had tackled me to the ground. I spun us  around so I was leaning on top of him and moved my face closer to his, as he followed my actions I pushed on his chest and got up and kept running for the beach. I could hear him laughing behind me as I reached the beach. i dropped my towel and keys and ran straight for the water and dove straight in. Niall wasn't far behind me but as i turned around in the water to face the shore he had frozen at the edge of the water, too cold to enter. I swam back to shore and grabbed his hand. "come on you baby, get in the water" "but Ambiii, its too cold, i-" before he could finish his complaining a massive wave broke over both of us and saturated him. "now you can stop whinging" I winked at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands on my waist pulling me closer.

Before anything happens I pulled away, he looked at me confused. "whats up love?" I frowned while looking at him "what if people see us Nialll? I'm not ready to be seen with you and be all over the media, and I need to let people close to me know first so they don't see it before I tell them" his face dropped a bit. "Niall don't take it personally! I just need time to adjust, I'm not ready to be chucked in the deep end yet. I've got to admit Niall I'm a little bit scared for this, I don't know if I can handle this" Niall looked like he had been hit with a tonne of bricks "What are you saying Amber? You don't want what we've got going on between us?" I gasped, maybe I should have worded that better. "No! Niall that's not what I meant! I'm just saying I'm not ready to be seen in public as an item. Of course I want what we have" I could physically see the relief wash over him as I said that. He grabbed my hand and pulled me underwater, and edged closer to me. He pulled my face close and gave me a quick but passionate kiss before we hit the surface again. Could this boy get any cuter? "Do you wanna head back home?" I asked him as it was now midday. "yeah sure, I'm getting quite hungry, considering someone gave me a disgusting breakfast" he joked as we got out of the water.

Once we got back home I made us a salad each and we ate it as we laid down side by side on the back lawn, under some trees looking up at the sky through the dancing leaves. "So... we've got a bit of catching up to do" Niall stated a little bit unsure of whether he wants to start this conversation. "yeah we do" I replied not sure what to say. As soon as I'm reminded of the reason we haven't spoken to each-other for so long, I get extremely guilty. "How long ago did you move to Australia? And how the hell did you even get your parents to allow you to?" Niall asked. "Well, I moved here the day after I graduated year 12, because I was offered an internship at the radio station, so I've been here for just over a year, Jaz moved over with me from Ireland, she came to our school after you left, and she became my really good friend over the past few years, not that she compares to you" I say with a wink. "and your parents?" he pushed. I did try to avoid this part of the question but it seems like it didn't work. "I understand your dad letting you go but there's no way your mum would have?" he exclaimed. I sat up and looked down into my lap, "yeah umm, Dad didn't really want me to go, he didn't want to let me go so fast and at such a young age but he wasn't going to stop me from following my dreams, as long as I go back once a year" I smiled when I thought about how supportive Dad was. "and well, Mum, I haven't seen her in about two and a half years" Niall sat up now and stared at me "What do you mean?" he asked me worriedly. "Mum left Dad about a year after you left, no reason.. she just upped and left, she's tried contacting me, but after seeing how distraught she left Dad I don't know if I could ever talk to her again, she just abandoned us" I whispered the last part, it was hard to admit that to myself. Niall embraced me and pulled me protectively into his chest and hugged me as I let a few stray tears fall. "I am so sorry, i had no idea Amber" he said apologetically. "Are you apologizing? I'm the one who left you, you should not feel bad!" I exclaimed. Although he just hugged me tighter as more tears fell. I could stay like this with him forever.

I heard the sliding door at the back of the house open and looked up, Jasmine was walking out towards us. She noticed something was wrong and sat down with us. "What happened is everything okay" she asked full of concern. I looked up and chuckled, "yeah I'm fine, nothing serious Jaz" I say with a weak smile. "well, I better start getting ready for work" I say as I go to stand up. "no!" Jaz yelled out. "How about I cover for you tonight, you look a little bit overwhelmed today, I can cover for you and then stay at Emma's house for the night so you guys can catch up more"  I just smiled and hugged her "You're wonderful" I whispered in her ear as we embraced. Well looks like Niall and I have got the house to ourselves tonight, I wonder why Jaz was so eager to leave us.


Hope you enjoyed!! feedback would be lovely! xxx S

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