Take the Leap...(Chapter 14)

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*Ambers POV*

After half an hour of hiding in the small house with Niall we gave up and hid outside where no one would even think to look. We ran out the back doors and hid behind a bunch of trees so no one would see us if they looked outside. We sat in silence for about five minutes it wasn’t a comfortable silence but it wasn’t awkward either. “I have an idea” I said just to break the silence cause to be honest it was kinda boring sitting outside not even talking. “and that is” Niall asked “well I don’t know if it’s obvious to you but I can clearly see that Jaz and Liam like each other” he looked at me as if I was crazy “what are you talking about Amber? They’ve known each other for like three days and they’ve hardly even talked to each other” “well I...” I stopped what I was gonna say as quick as possible “well you?” Niall questioned. “Well umm I umm I think they do like each other” come on Amber that was the crappest cover up! “Umm okay then” Niall said not completely convinced by my cover up. Before I could say anymore I heard the back door slide open and the noise of all the boys enter the back yard. “Shh” I said to Niall and we made sure we were well hidden behind the trees. After 5 minute Niall couldn’t help but laugh and Louis and Zayn ran over and found us “found them!” Louis yelled. “Come on guys we gotta go soon” Zayn said “you can’t hide for our last 30 minutes together!” he exclaimed “oh yeah your going soon!” Niall said “you coming Ambs?” he asked as he got up “umm... yeah sorry be there in a minute” I replied without really paying attention. How could I almost say that to him, I was so close. What would have happened if I did tell him? Would he have reacted badly? Should I just tell him? What if I tell him now? So then if he does react badly he can just go back home with the boys. Maybe I should talk to Jaz first. Yeah I should talk to Jaz. After that massive debate in my mind I realised that I don’t have much time to talk to Jaz and work out whether to tell him now or not. I got up off the ground and walked quite quickly inside. They were all sat around in a circle on the floor in a casual conversation, well as casual as you can make a conversation with these boys. As I entered they all turned to face me, I smiled “uh, Jaz can I speak to you quickly?” she looked at me with a confused face “umm yeah okay” she got up and we went to my room. I realised that the boys would be listening quite intently if not at my door with their ears pressed against it so I decided to keep the conversation quite. “What do you want Ambs?” she said quietly realising I didn’t want to talk loudly. “I need your opinion” she looked at me confused “for what Niall? She said jokingly “umm yeah actually” she looked at me like I was crazy “what do you need help with?” she asked mischievously. “Okay you win, I need to tell Niall but I don’t know when” she looked at me with an unreadable expression  “oh my god you’ve finally come to your senses amber!” she whisper yelled at me “should I tell him before the boys leave in case he reacts badly? Then if he wants to he can go home with the boys? Actually don’t worry about it, forget I ever mentioned this, I won’t tell him” I started freaking out. Jasmine grabbed my shoulder and held me still “Amber what’s so bad about telling him?” “What’s so bad? What’s so bad? Did you seriously ask me that? It could go completely wrong, what if he never talks to me again?” I whisper yelled. “Amber calm down and just tell him, tell him when you’re ready” I finally calmed down and realised that I shouldn’t worry about it this bad. A mischievous smile crossed my face “fine I’ll tell him…” a large smile crossed her face “good-“ she was going to continue until I cut her off “but only if you tell Liam that you like him” I said. Her smile instantly dropped. “How do you do that?” she asked me “I don’t know I have a sixth sense I can tell when someone like someone” I smiled at her “your unbelievable Amber, I may like him but I've only known him for a few days, I can’t just say I like him”  “sure you can” I said cheekily. “Anyway, if you can tell when someone likes you why can’t you tell that Niall likes you?” Jasmine shot back at me. “Ahh cause he doesn’t” I said to her like she was an idiot. “Yeah whatever..” she said “.. We should get back out there then, and just tell Niall when you’re ready” I smiled at her, she could be very annoying but she knew just what the right thing was to say “yeah I think I’m ready” I said with full honesty. With that we walked back down stairs. As we entered the room the boys were talking but you could tell they’d just randomly started talking as they heard us coming. Jaz sat back down and I joined them I kept catching Niall looking at me with a worried but confused look on his face. The boys have to leave in 15 minutes I should tell Niall now. Jaz and I had been back with the boys for ten minutes and the all the boys were in a pretty involved conversation though Niall and I were just listening and not really contributing to the conversation. When I caught Niall looking at me I mouthed to him “come with me?” as I got up he agreed and followed. We somehow walked upstairs without the boys realising we went. Jaz probably realised we went but didn’t draw attention to it. We got to my room and I sat on my bed I zoned out for like a minute then realised Niall was standing there staring at me waiting for me to talk. “Amber? What’s wrong? “He asked me with a worried tone “uh... nothings wrong Niall” I said in an unsure tone. How do I tell him? Do I just say oh hey Niall by the way? What do I say “was there something you wanted to tell me?” he asked “err umm yeh kinda” I said. I’m freaking out now. I don’t know what to say what I say! “Are you gonna tell me then?” I just stared at him “Amber you can tell me you know? Whatever it is you can tell me” I just kept looking at him “I don’t even know how to say this Niall, I’m really bad when it comes to stuff like this, and I don’t exactly know what to say” I started “Amber breathe just tell me” I took a deep breath and continued “I umm I like you Niall, I always have”

hey guys, sorry i haven't uploaded in like forever but yeah. heres the next chapter, i hope you enjoyed it. yeah you know the usual comment/vote/fan please do it. leave me things you want/dont want to happen. yeah thanks for reading. s xx

p.s im trying to upload more so hopefully i can, im sorry its taken so long. please vote/comment/fan i really need feedback i dont know what anyone thinks of this story. s x x :)

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