The Interview...

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“Helloooo, guess who we have on our show tonight! Guys, would you like to introduce yourselves, even though half the world knows more about you, than you know about yourselves!” Em chuckled next to me as the boys grinned at me “Hey I’m Liam, I’m Louis, I’m Niall, I’m Harry and I’m Zayn and were One Direction!’ they all said “ do you guys rehearse saying that? It sounds the same every time” I asked “haha no I think it’s just cause we’ve said it so many times” Liam said. “alright guys, well before we get started with all things One Direction let’s start the countdown” Emma said “at #30 we have Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift” I added on. The song started and we were free to talk for a minute. The boys all hyped up as soon as the song started and I rolled my eyes. I decided while I have a chance I run out the studio and get a coffee from the kitchen. Well I’m gonna need it or these boys are gonna drive me the time I run back in the studio with my coffee the second song is just finishing, I ran to my seat an chucked my headset on. “That was Payphone by maroon 5 at #29”

We were half way through our show and ending our little interview with one direction when I decided to ask my favourite question “so guys I have a question here, it’s my favourite question I have asked in an interview, it’s very original actually, so here it is.” The boys looked curious “okay, if you were a chair what celebrity would you let sit on you?” all the boys faces lit up “that is THE best question ever” they all cheered. They all sat their thinking for a minute, except Liam “Leona Lewis” he blurted out all the boys laughed “erm Jennifer Love Hewitt” Harry said Louis answered with Natalie Portman “Halle Berry” Zayn said. Niall never answered he just sat there agreeing with all the boys answers. We continued with all the questions and it got a bit out of hand. The boys went crazy, but it was fun, extremely fun. With half an hour of the show we forgot about what we had planned and just said whatever we wanted, it ended up going really well “well guys it that time of the show, here come the top three songs” Em said excitedly “Harry do you want to tell us what song came in at 3?” I asked him as he was jumping around again. He walked over to his mic. “At number three tonight is We Are Young by Fun. Enjoy!” and with that we played the song. Louis asked to announce the next song and wouldn’t take no for an answer so I gave in. “Ni would you like to say what number one is?” his face lit up “Yes! I love you Ambi” my face went bright red when I realised all the boys were staring at us. Crap! They didn’t know we were friends. We probably look like idiots calling each other nicknames already. They were waiting for an explanation I just mouthed “I’ll explain after” and they nodded. “Okay guys we have two more songs” I said and then Louis cut in “So call me maybe!” he sung “at #2 is call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepson. Yay. I love this song” he said as we played the song. We all jumped around the studio until Kelly came in and told us to settle down. I guess I under estimated how crazy the boys can get. The song died down and we were on air again for the last time for tonight’s show. “Okay guys, thank you so much for coming on our show tonight and spending your night with us. I hope you will come back for another interview soon. And I hope you enjoyed your time on our show” I said. The boys all said thankyou and goodbye, and said they’d definitely be back on our show. “Okay guys it’s time for us to go but, here’s Niall to announce the #1 song tonight. “ Emma said “Oh gosh I feel like I have a giant ego saying this, but, at #1 is What Makes You Beautiful by well us” Niall said awkwardly “whooooo” all the boys cheered. The ‘on air’ sign went off and all the boys heads turned to me then to Niall then to me again, they just stared at me. Well this is awkward. “Okay guys this is kinda hard to explain. Niall was examining the floor while I tried to explain, well that was nice of him to help me. “Are you two dating already?!” exclaimed Harry “NO!” Niall and I both yelled at the same time “Whoa calm down” Harry said “Well what is going on between you two then?” “How about instead of sitting here and explaining it in this boring cold room, we all go back to mine and have a coffee and something to eat” a chorus of ‘sure’s and ‘yeah okay’s' filled the room. We all headed down to the car park “Niall do you remember the way to my house?” all the boys looked at us again “Nope sorry” he shook his head “That’s okay, Em you know the way to my house don’t you?” she nodded “Since you came here in my car would you mind driving it back to mine and I’ll go in the other car to direct the boys?” “Yeah sure that’s fine” then I realised one of the boys would have to go with her “erm guys would one of you mind going in my car with Em since there won’t be any room in your car “I will” Harry exclaimed almost too quickly. Ooh someone likes Emma! Harry and Emma jumped in the car and drove off. We all jumped in the boys’ car Louis was driving and I was shotgun Niall, Liam and Zayn were in the back, Niall was squished in between Liam and Zayn. Poor baby. They instantly all started talking about Harry’s reaction when asked who wants to ride with Emma. I sat there directing Louis, it was really awkward in the car cause they all thought something major was going on between me and Niall. Louis created small talk with me half way into the drive. We got along really well. The boys in the back were talking about harry until we pulled up at my house. All the boys ran to the house while Niall and I walked slowly. “I did remember the way to your house by the way” I looked at him confused as to why he’d cause all the fuss of switching rides he read my mind and answered my question “I knew if I was alone with the boys they’d harass me until I told them about you and me, I really didn’t want them going crazy” oh that makes sense “That’s fine Ni, let’s get inside and explain this to them then” I said and he nodded. As we were walking I inconspicuously stopped and let him keep walking and then ran up and jumped on his back for a piggy back. He was surprised when I jumped on him but he grabbed my legs and kept walking to the house.  Niall walked through the door with me still on his back giggling. All heads turned to us yet again including Jaz’s well this make mine and Nialls explanation even harder. I saw Jaz wink at me and turn back around. Well this was going to be fun.

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