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when jack leaves my house i stand by the front door for a few moments trying to gather my thoughts. i think of everything im gonna tell my parents and im gonna try to reach out to andrew. i think 'maybe if i just try to walk passed my parents they wont see me'. i slowly walk to my living room and as i reach my living room i pick up my walking pace.

"where do you think you're going?!"

my dad states in a loud tone. i slowly turn around to face my dad.

"upstairs, to my bedroom..."

i speak out trying to act like nothing happened.

"i think we need to talk."

he says. i shiver over those words. i hate these kind of awkward talks with your parents.

"about what? the weather?"

i say trying to act oblivious to the fact that jack was here.

"no you know what me and your mother want to talk to you about."

my dad says. my mom gives me puppy eyes as if she feels bad for me or something. i take a seat in the recliner chair next to the couch that both of parents are sitting on. i lean back and wait for the lecture.

"honey, you do understand that jack is andrew's friend right?"

my mom says. i blink slowly and fake a smile.

"yeah, and...?"


"and you and jack are dating?"


"umm yeah, i mean i guess"

i state awkwardly. the room was silent for about thirty seconds.

"absolutely not."

my dad says loudly. i look at him confused even though i know exactly what he's talking about.


i say looking directly into my dads eyes. his eyes are solid and he shows no emotion.

"honey i think you're being kinda ridiculouse"

my mom says directing it to my dad.

"thank you!"

i say to my mom.

"he's way to old for you; plus he's your brothers friend!"


"he's 2 years older than me! TWO! thats it. i cant help that i am the age i am, and i cant help that i like, i mean LOVE the boy i love. honestly be real! do you even have a heart, because im pretty sure i wouldnt without jack! he gives me the light i never thought i would see. i think that the reason i was put on this stupid earth and in this stupid judgemental family is so i could meet jack. i dont care, i'm still gonna see him wanna know why because im my own person and i dont care what you think i should do."

i yell to my dad. his eyes widen at what i just said.

"honey why couldnt she still see jack, she really likes this boy"

my mom says calmly to my dad. my dad completely ignores her.

"go to your room!"

my dad practically screams.


i say as i walk up to my room trying to act like i wasnt bothered. as soon as my back faces my dad i start to silently cry. on my way to my room i see andrew in his room, hes on his phone. i ignore him and stuff my face into my pillow and start to sob my eyes out! its so annoying how my dad and my brother are so quick to assume. they both hate that jack and i are together but they dont even know how much of a gentlemen he can be. i cant handle it. i grab my phone and text jack.

'you and andrew need to talk'

'i was thinking that to. i invited him to come play basketball with me johnson and sam'

'what did he say?'

'he hasnt responded'

'one second'

after i text jack that i get up and walk into andrew's room confidently.

"answer jacks text or ill tell mom that you smoke weed with your friends"




"say you will go play basketball with them or i will tell mo-"

he cuts me off.

"yeah, thats what i though you said, you wouldnt do it"




"Okay, okay ill repond, jeez."



i say exiting his room with a smile. i pick up my phone and text jack again.

'did he respond now?'

'yeah! what did you do?'

'dont worry about it ;-)'

'god you're so cute ;)'

'you're not so bad yourself'

i respond while locking my phone. i drift off into a nap before jack can respond, i really needed one to take my mind off of things. i hope at least andrew and jack can makeup that would make my life 10 times easier.

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