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Once we arrive at the hospital jack drives me to the front door of the buliding while he finds a parking spot. i get out of the and run into the hospital. i approach the front desk and take a deep breath.

"Is there a Marie Sulivan here?"

i ask the lady at the front desk. she flips through her papers and points at my moms name.

"yes, there is."

she responds. i start to nervously tap my foot on the ground.

"Can i see her?"

i ask the lady.

"Family only."

she says blanetly and looks back down at her papers.

"Im her daughter!"

i say impatently.

"do you have and photo identification?"

the lady asks. i pull out my wallet out of my brown cross body purse. i flip through the cards in my wallet to find my license. i it take out and show it to the lady. the lady nods and says

"she's in room 17, down the hall and to the left, she only has 10 minutes left for visitation?"

i speed walk down to the room following the directions the lady gave me. when i get to the room i dont hesitate and barge in. my mom is laying on the hospital bed with breathing tubes. my dad and brother just stare at me.

"they said she will be fine, they made her take a sleeping pill so she doesnt feel the pain of her fractured rib."

i take in a deep breath and look at my mom as my eyes became teary. andrew was still silent just staring at me.


i say quietly to my mom so no one else could hear. i grasp my moms hand tightly.

"everything is going to be okay, i promise."

i whisper to her. now i know my dad and brother heard that. they just looked at me like sad puppy dogs. a nurse walked into the room warning us that we only had 4 more minutes for visitation before my mom headed into surgery. i stood up confidently and whiped the tears off of my eyes. she will have to stay in the hospital for a few days before she can come home. i go stand by my brother as we all stand around my mom. andrew looked at me than looked down at mom. i could tell he wanted to tell me something, just not here. soon enough the same nurse came back to the room and told us that visitation was over. we obeyed and one by one exited the room. i was the first one out. we head back to the sitting where i see jack waiting patiently. as soon as jack sees me he stands up and i walk faster to him to hug him. jack is way taller than me so i rest my head on his chest and start to sob. i close my eyes to try to make myself calm down. jack starts to hug me tighter trying to comfort me, which actually helped. i look up at jack than look down at my feet. i start to remeber the reason my mom is here is because of me and jack. jack hasnt asked any questions since hes been here. he has no idea whats going on. thats the thing i liked about jack he always just waited for the right time for me to tell him things, hes so patient. i think jack deserves to know so i go on my tiptoes and whisper to jack.

"my mom got into a car accident, shes going into surgery now."

jacks eyes widen in sadness. his jaw clinches and he pull me in for another hug. jack hugs always made me feel better. i all of a sudden feel a tap on my shoulder, it was andrew, he looked nervous.

"we need to talk."

andrew says to me, than looks at jack and glares at him. jack does nothing cause he doesnt care what andrew thinks he loves me anyway. i look at jack and nod at him signalling that me and andrew are going to go talk. andrew walks me over to the hall by the hospital cafeteria.

"what do you want?"

i say to andrew.

"it wasnt your fault."

andrew says in embarassment.


i say confused.

"Mom didnt get into the accident because of you, it was my fault. actually i was the one driving, i only got a few cuts and bruises thats why im not getting treated. im sorry."

"you mean to tell me you made me feel like complete shit this whole time, thinking that mom could have died because of me! you are such a shallow person. i cant even handle to be talking to you right now. i have to go i need some air."

i say while storming away from andrew. i cant believe andrew lied to me like that.

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