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              !JACKS POINT OF VIEW!

i feel bad for kennedi. i can tell shes stressed out, and i dont like it. i really care for her and seeing her this way makes me sad. i just want to talk it out with andrew. thank god kennedi did whatever she did to andrew for him to respond. Johnson, sam, and andrew and i are goimg to play 2 on 2 at the park tomorrow so maybe i could talk to andrew.


i wake up at 8am because im meeting andrew, sam and johnson to play basket ball. im kind of nervous considering me and andrew havnt really had an actual conversation in what it seems like forever. i get in my car and drive to the local park that had 2 basketball courts lined up next to each other. im about 15 minutes more early than when everyone was supposed to be there so i just sit in my car and go on my phone. suddenly i hear a tap on my window. i jump a little, frightened, than i look up. it was Johnson . i roll down the window while laughing.

"you scared the shit out of me"


"haha wow, i heard what happened between you and andrew."




"andrew told me, he said he walked in on you and his sister making out, dude he's mad!"


"thats so stupid, he just walked in at the wrong time, also its not my fault im in love with his sister"

i say while ranting to johnson.

"oh?! so you're in love?"


"well yeah, i just want andrew to realise that im not just there to date than ditch im actual there because i care about her."


"yeah i understand what you're saying but also its his sister so he is going to be a little protective"

johnson says while a blue car pulls up next to mine, its sam. im not suprised that andrew is late, he probably is trying to be late on purpose to try to piss me off. i grab my basketball bag and exit my car while waving to sam. sam is me and jacks friend we have had for a while. sam waves back than grabs his bag and leaves his car. since 75% of us are here we all start to walk onto the court and just randomly shoot around. about 10 minutes later a dark blue car pulls up, i know this car, its andrews. i suddenly feel a knot in the pit of my stomach because i dont know what to say to him. i know that here is the last place he wants to be. andrew parks his car i suddenly feel johnson and sam stare at me, i assume johnson told sam what happened. i take a deep breath and try to shoot another basket but i miss. i can hear andrew come closer and i get even more nervous. i try to remember why im doing this. stupid love makes me do this.

"hey andrew"

johnson says. i can still feel johnsons eyes on me.

"hi johnson, hi sam."

andrew says not even paying any mind that im there.

"hi andrew"

i say to andrew trying to sound somewhat joyful.


andrew responds with no emotion in his voice. i try to shake it off but i cant. i really love kennedi and i dont want andrew to be mad at me for loving someone. i try to act confident and walk over to andrew while hes facing away from me. i tap his shoulder.

"hey can we talk for a minute please?"


"ughh, fine"

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