Finally Ran From This Helll

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****Lindsey POV****

Once Anthony left the closet the tears started spilling like never before. My heart was broken into the tiniest pieces ever. When I knew lunch was over and everyone was back in class I quickly got out of the closet and ran to the woods that are near the school. Once there I shifted into my pure white wolf with my stormy grey eyes. I loved my wolf so much I dont know what I would do without Annabelle.

I ran as fast as I could all the way back to the pack house knowing not many people were there mostly everyone was at work or at school. I went behind the bushes to get a pair of shorts and a shirt that we kept in the bushes in case of an emergency. I quickly put them on and quietly entered the pack house and ran up the stairs to the third floor and to my room. once in my room with the door locked I went to the bathroom to see my reflection im the mirror.

My stormy grey eyes were bloodshot. My brown pin straight hair was a tangled mess. I was a little over weight but for a werewolf I was fat I guess. I was 5'3 which is pretty short. I sighed I washed my face and went to my closet grabbed a bag and packed some clothes. I was about to jump out the window when I thought about leaving a note for anyone who cares enough to waste their time reading my note.

Dear whoever is reading this,

Im sorry im such a failure, but im also sorry you guys were horrible pack members. All you guys saw after my brothers death was your pain but none of you ever considered my pain of loosing my twin brother I loved him. Anyways just want to let you guys know I hate you guys. As for my mate thank you for rejecting me. Your rejection made me realize that I needed to escape this hell. Well thanks to you I am I hope you live a lovely life with Susan and enjoy your time while it lasts because one day I will be back for REVENGE. Good bye bitches.



With that said I fold the note and leave it on my bed. I grab my bag throw it out the window and jump. As im falling I quickly shift into my wolf, and land on all fours. I pick up my bag and begin running into the woods.



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