New Pack

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****Lindsey POV****
My legs hurt so freaking bad. it feels like I've been running for days but I'm not exactly sure I lost track of time. All I know is that I'm no where close to my brother's and Anthony's territory.

Now that I'm far far away from they I think I can rest for a little bit. I put my bag down and lay down letting sleep take over me.

**** few hours later****

Im suddenly awaken by growls directed towards me coming from three wolves a pure black one, and two identical reddish brown wolves.  I quickly get up and bow exposing my neck, showing I dont mean any harm. The black wolf which Im guessing is the alpha from the power coming off of him, shifts and puts on basketball shorts that the brown wolf handed him.

"Shift" he commands me. I shift and quickly pull out a long loose shirt and put it on, I felt myself blush under their stare.

"Why are you one my territory rogue?" asked the alpha.

"Im sorry I was just passing through I mean no harm towards your pack. But I ran away from my pack." I said nearly above a whisper. 

"Why did you run away?" questioned the alpha.

"Well I was bullied by my old pack and um my mate was the alpha from the neighboring pack but he rejected me because im fat ugly and worthless." I explained, with tears in my eyes waiting to fall freely. Their eyes softened upon hearing this. They all came forward at the same time and hugged me which surprised me a lot but I still hugged them back.

" Youre not fat ugly or worthless youre beautiful" the alpha surprised me by saying.

"Oh im sorry im Axel Smith Alpha of the Mystic Shadows Pack but you can call me Axel and these are the twins Landon and Lance." as Axel introduced them they each gave me a hug. It felt nice to feel accepted for once.

"Hi well im Lindsey Reece."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" whispered Axel.
I started blushing I probably looked like a tomato right now.

"Aww shes so cute" said Landon while pinching my cheeks lightly.

"Would you like to join my pack" asked Axel.

"Yes please I would love that Alpha" I squealed.  Oh my gosh I cant believe im accepted finally!

"Okay lets go to the pack house and get you settled then we can talk" the alpha said after chuckling.

"Alright lead the way" I smiled.

They shifted so I followed and grabbed my bag and followed them to the pack house.

A few mintutes later and a huge house no mansion could be seen not to far from where we were. When we did get there though the house was huge, it was 3 stories high but it was very wide, its was white with a little touch of brown. the windows were glass some small some big. It was just beautiful and breathtaking.  We all shifted behind the trees and I pulled out another shirt and this time a pair of sweats and quickly put them on. I walked out from behind the trees and we all walked in.

"Follow us to your new room its on the second floor in the middle of the twins room" said Axel. We silently made our way up stairs with many people staring and bowing their head in respect to their alpha. We finally made it to my room. I gasped as we entered it was huge! you could probably fit my old room in here 20 times more. The bed was a white with a light touch of blue there was a desk in the corner with a white laptop, it was just huge.

"Do you like it? We could change the color if you want?" asked Axel nervously

"I love it! Its perfect and Blue is my favorite color!" I exclaimed. 

" Great" Lance said.

"Okay Lindsey would you mind telling us your story?" asked Axel.



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